Page 78 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1910
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                              PSYCHOLOGICAL                                                                                            ISSUE No. 1910
                                PERSPECTIVES                                                                                           JAVANAN
                                                                                                                                        ISSUE No. 1856
                              Dr. Alan A.         CONTROLLING THE EMOTIONS PEACEFULLY
                                Clinical and
                             Neuro-Psychologyst        Gaining Strength from Calming your Emotions

                                                                                            Part 1

                 Last week, I explored the meta   to control it before it gets out of   formative impact on both your   tions, enabling us to reframe our
               research on new studies based on   hand, you can eventually hit  ac-  cognition and your mood. Getting   thoughts and make more positive
               Eastern philosophy in China and   cess a goldmine within you. Ex-  your heart rate up a bit, even with   decisions to harness anxiety’s pow-
               other parts of the world that indi-  perts say the most powerful tool   a short walk around the block, or   ers.
               cates that fighting the anxiety can
               make it worse. Embracing your
               emotion, rather than fighting it,
               can help you to harness the power
               of your emotions, build up resil-
               ience, and become more produc-
                 This strategy can help unlock su-
               perpowers within you. High anxi-
               ety state contains strong emotional
               and psychological energy that you
               can use productively instead of let-
               ting it consume you. Deep breath-
               ing exercises with this philosophy
               in  mind  using  your brain  to un-
               cover the cause of your anxiety and
               to learn from it, can enable you to
               manage he threat that is causing it
               and channel it into something that
               works for you.
                 Rather than letting anxiety con-
               sume you, it is better to identify and
               manage the threat that’s causing it,
               and channel it into something that
               works for you.                   to achieve this is deep breathing.   climbing stairs, can have an imme-  According to some research
                 The first step towards learning   When you take deep breaths, it   diate effect on your anxiety levels.  Channeling  anxiety  positively
               how to channel anxiety is to un-  activates the parasympathetic ner-  It stimulates the release of sero-  can unlock three superpowers.
               derstand what causes it.  Anxiety   vous system [part of the nervous   tonin, dopamine and noradrena-  Productivity- getting more done;
               is a stress response evolved to alert   system responsible for the body’s   line in your brain, neurotransmit-  Flow-effortless state of mind; and
               us to a perceived external threat.   rest and digestion]. It slows down   ters which help regulate our mood   emotional resilience.
               Research  shows  that our brains   your heart rate and helps you feel   and decrease anxiety, stress and   The next time you feel anxious,
               are wired to detect danger, to de-  calmer immediately. Inhaling to   depression.                   don’t fight the feeling, embrace it.
               fend us and to avoid pain, which   a count of four, holding for four                                Ask yourself “What is my anxiety
               is why, when we feel anxious, our   and exhaling for four is one way to   Our brain cells have the incred-  trying to show me?  What can I
               heart rate increases, our breathing   calm yourself down. You can take   ible capacity to change in response   learn from it? How can I apply the
               becomes faster and blood flows to   deep breaths anywhere and any-  to our behavior, a phenomenon   wisdom of what those emotions are
               our muscles.                     time, even in the middle of a con-  known as neuroplasticity. Once   telling me?” And turn it into your
                 If your anxiety reaches a point   versation.                     our anxiety levels are under con-  superpower.  Use  your  brain  and
               that is disabling you, you may need   You also need to exercise daily.   trol, we can apply neuroplasticity   exercise daily.
               professional help. But if you learn   Moving your body has a trans-  principles to regulate our emo-

                        DANESH FOROUGHI, PH.D.                                           Alan Modarressi, PhD, QME
                        Licensed Clinical Psychologist, PSY13680                                Licensed Clinical Psychologist
                Licensed Marriage, Family & Child Psychotherapist, MFC23455                      Qualified Medical Evaluator
                    Certified National Board of Addiction Examiners #4974                       Certified Psychophsychologist
                              Tel: (310) 940-3642                                   Diplomat, American Academy of Pain Management

                   15720 Ventura Blvd., Second Fl. #224 Encino CA 91436             (818) 501-6080            (562) 861-7226
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