Page 79 - Javanan Issue#1895_Neat.flb
P. 79
From The Desk Of The Editor ISSUE No. 1894
Forough from California side. She was shaking in her sleep. She
My daughter and my husband screamed several times and I hugged
her. Finally, she got out of bed at eight
in the morning, went straight to the
suddenly disappeared bathroom, and showered. Then, on the
couch, she put her head on my legs and
started crying. I didn't ask her anymore
what happened to her; It was clear that
to go to all the hospitals and get she had returned from hell. Her body
a list of traffic accident victims. was still shaking. She gradually began
But these searches did not reach to speak. "Carlos was a monster," she
anywhere. One night, we went to said. "A drug trafficker and a ruthless
my husband's favorite restaurant professional killer. I was beaten and
and showed the staff a picture of tortured all these years, just because I
my husband. One of them rec- refused to sleep with others on his or-
y husband Mansour and ognized him. "He came here a ders. They broke my hand twice. A kind
I came to the United few times," he told us. "He was devoted woman helped me escape, oth-
MStates with four children very generous and kind." It erwise, I would have lost my life."
without any preparation. Winning was good news. "It seemed he We told her the story of her father. She
the green card lottery caused this was on his way to Nicaragua got very upset. "Did he have cash with
change of location. For years, my because he was asking for him?" she asked.
two brothers lived in New York detailed information about "About five thousand." We answered.
and Mansour's sisters lived in Los there." The same person said. "I'm sure that money caused something
Angeles, and they were all eager to The next day, my brother bad to happen to him. In those countries,
visit us. I chose New York because and I left for Nicaragua. Un- tourists are given drugs in their food and
my brothers had more opportuni- fortunately, we returned to drinks that cause permanent amnesia.
ties to help us start our new life. As Los Angeles empty-handed "I think this is what happened to my fa-
soon as we arrived, they bought us after a week due to the calls ther."
an apartment with the capital we had. and concerns of the chil- "What should we do now?"
They found a job for Mansour in their dren. "We have to get help from the Indian
own company, and I helped my broth- I had lost all my hope. I hunters in those areas."
ers' wives prepare a collection of beauty had lost over 20 pounds After three days, Rana called several
creams. as well and had no ap- people. Finally, she found a couple who
Our children were going to school. But petite. Then, my children had the same experience. Rana had
six months after our arrival, a suitor came to my aid. They helped them a lot before. The couple
from Costa Rica was found for my arranged for my day met my brother and me in Mexico. We
daughter Rana. Despite his wealth, job to be moved home gave them all the details and photos of
he did not seem like an honest man to and helped me with the Mansour and paid an amount of money
us. But my daughter liked him. About h e tasks. This made me somewhat in advance. After seven days, they an-
three months later, she left us in a di- packed his suitcase busy. If something bad happened to nounced that they had found Mansour in
lemma to either consent to her marriage and left. He called from there and said them, there would definitely be a trace, Peru; In a government center for forgot-
or she would leave the house. We had that he had contacted many government I said to myself. Maybe Mansour wants ten people. They showed us Mansour's
to consent to the former. Rana married to surprise me and, as the children say, live image on WhatsApp. He seemed
Carlos and they went to South America agencies and the police, but he did not show up with my grandchild. to have aged twenty years. We immedi-
get any sign from them. I was having
together. My job and the responsibility for raising ately went to Peru and found that center.
My husband and I were upset and wor- nightmares again. My children con- my children kept me away from nega- Mansour was living in the damp base-
ried. I had never seen any sincerity in soled me. Rana was an adventurer since tive thoughts to a great extent. The chil- ment of that center. We went to him,
Carlos's eyes, gestures, and words. I childhood, they said. The girl is self- dren, on the one hand, and my brothers but he did not recognize us. I immedi-
would call Rana's cell phone all the sufficient and can take care of herself. and their wives on the other, did not let ately hugged him. At first, he pushed me
time. She was happy and excited. She We're sure one day she will call and say me think too much about my missing away, but suddenly he turned and stared
said that her days are spent with the love that she has a baby on the way. husband and daughter. Maybe Mansour deeply into my eyes. We talked to the
and kindness of her husband and that Mansour was in Venezuela for 20 days. has fallen in love in those countries and center officials. They asked us for an
soon after the construction of their villa I kept depositing money on his credit is having fun, one of my brothers said.
by the ocean was finished, they would card so that he wouldn't be in financial Otherwise, he would not be so irrespon- amount of money for his maintenance,
invite us there. trouble. But suddenly his calls stopped. sible. which I paid immediately. While Man-
sour did not want to come with us, we
After three months, I hardly spoke to No matter how many times I called, I This new comment made me a little an-
Rana on the phone anymore. The call did not get any answer. gry towards my husband and reduced took him out of there under the pretext
was frequently interrupted. She told me The whole family was worried. I finally my emotional distress. If this is the case, of eating his favorite food. Since he did
they were in the mountains. I got wor- told my brothers. They blamed us for why should I suffer so much, I said to not have any documents, we went to the
ried and talked to my husband. What leaving Rana in the hands of a strang- myself. My daughter is happy with her consulate office and arranged his depar-
should we do? he asked. Ask them er whom she had met in a restaurant. husband and my husband is having fun ture.
where they are so we can go and visit "Why didn't you get help from the em- with a young girl. The next morning, at 9 am, we were
them. bassy and the Ministry of Foreign Af- Three years had passed. There was still on the plane. Mansour kept asking for
I asked Rana. Mom, let us live our lives! fairs?" they asked. no news from the two of them. It was wine. Then he fell into a deep sleep.
she said. "We were wrong," I answered. "What as if they were two drops of water that He did not pay attention to us until we
In the eighth month, our contact was should I do now?" simply disappeared into a vast dry land. entered our house. When we finally
completely cut off. I had nightmares "Get ready." My elder brother said. "I'll One evening, someone rang the door- got there, Rana came to her father first.
many nights. Every time I would see come with you. I don't want anything bell. When I opened the door, I was Mansour saw her. "Rana, my dear, are
some men attacking my daughter with to happen to Mansour. We'll leave this stunned. Standing in front of me, was you back?" he shouted.
knives. I would wake up screaming and weekend." Rana, thin and pale. She threw herself We all hugged him tearfully. Mansour
stay awake for hours. Mansour was wor- Last weekend, my brother, Sohrab, and into my arms and started crying. We hugged Rana and kept kissing her head.
ried about me. With the help of a close I went to Venezuela. There, we asked all surrounded her. "Tell us what hap- "Thank God that you came back to us."
friend and checking Rana's phone code, for help in every possible way. When pened?" we asked. He said.
we found out that the call was from Ven- the police found out that no money had "Just let me sleep." She answered. I was kissing his forehead. "Thank God,
ezuela. Mansour said he would go there been taken from my husband's credit We took her to her bed which was still Mansour, that you are back." Finally, he
and find them. I insisted on going to- card, they said that something must in place. She fell into a deep sleep in the stared at me and hugged my head.
gether, but he refused. After two weeks, have happened to him. They advised us blink of an eye. I kept going to her bed- Translation: Massi Zokaei