Page 78 - Javanan Magazine Issue #1906
P. 78
ISSUE No. 1905
ISSUE No. 1856
ISSUE No. 1856
Dr. Alan A.
Clinical and
More Than Fifty percent of Memory Problems Are Non-
A recent study by Ohio State Uni-
versity and the Michigan University
reported by Healthline Media shed a Dementia Related
new light on factors contributing to
cognitive decline. Cognitive decline only 38% of the variation between Cognitively complex activities con- need of our society at large to structure
naturally occurs as we age, with a participants in their level of cogni- tribute to our ‘brain bank’ by building itself in ways that promote healthy be-
common belief that dementia is the tive function at age 54. They found layers and layers of neural networks haviors as the default for not just the
cause in most cases. Researchers at the factors with the biggest effect in- that can better withstand future neuro- lucky few born into wealth, but for
the Ohio State University say there cluded personal education, household degeneration. all of us as members of a larger inter-
are more factors causing cognitive de- wealth and income, race, occupation, Slowing cognitive decline dependent community. “We need to
cline than we once thought. level of depression, and parental edu- “Brain health is whole-person make common sense health behav-
Socioeconomic factors, physical cation.
health measures, and behaviors, in- “These could be linked through ma- health,” she answered. “The idea iors like resources for getting regular
cluding exercise and smoking, ac- terial, psychosocial, and neuropatho- that focusing on only one aspect of physical exercise and having access to
counted for 38% of the variation logic mechanisms,” Dr. Zheng said health, like diet or exercise, will result nutritious foods the expected norm for
between participants in their level of when explaining how these factors in a healthy older brain is naïve. Sci- all, not the few,” he added.
cognitive function at age 54, research- could contribute to cognitive decline. ence, as reported in this study, makes And Dr. Merrill commented the
ers reported. “For example, education can improve it clear we need to make sustained study draws attention to the impor-
Generally speaking, most people efforts across all aspects of wellness tance of an individual’s education as
associate cognitive decline with de- cognitive reserve and delay the mani- to remain cognitively vibrant into old protective against cognitive decline
festation of neuropathology Trusted
mentia diseases such as Alzheimer’s age.” “Brain health should be impor- with aging. “I highly encourage my
disease. Source that occurs as a result of aging- tant to us across the lifespan — not patients and their loved ones to pur-
However, only about 41% of this related or pathologic process.” just when we hit 65,” she continued. sue life-long learning on topics they
decline can be accounted for by de- The factors with the least effect on “Brain health is cumulative and what find interesting and enjoyable,” he
mentia. A number of risk factors that cognitive decline included early life we do in earlier phases of develop- explained. “For me, brain health is
may also contribute to cognitive de- conditions and adult behaviors and ment matters in terms (of) who ex- a topic that we can study together
cline, including socioeconomic status, diseases. In addition, interestingly, periences cognitive decline and who as patient and provider. Every clinic
education, race, physical health mea- these factors accounted for only 5.6% does not. We can either decide to have appointment is an opportunity for
sures, and behaviors such as exercise of the variation in how cognitive func- a cumulative advantage or disadvan- bi-directional learning and shared
and smoking, have previously been tion declined in people aged between tage — we get to decide with our be- decision-making about what to do to-
identified. But researchers at The 54 and 85. haviors.” wards improving a person’s body and
Ohio State University and the Univer- Dr. Zheng said they were a bit Dr. Merrill said these findings draw brain health.”
sity of Michigan have now found that surprised at the factors statistically attention to the important and urgent
these factors only account for a small accounting for 38% as they had in-
amount of the variation in mental abil- cluded a wide range of factors. “One
ities among older people highlighting thing I want to emphasize is that in-
gaps in the knowledge needed to re- dividual socioeconomic status (e.g.,
duce cognitive decline. education, income, wealth, occupa-
For this study, the research team ap- tion, race, parental education) mat-
plied a statistical approach to examine ters a lot,” he added. “These findings
associations between various lifestyle point to the predominant importance
factors and cognitive decline in older of socioeconomic conditions in shap-
Americans. ing the level of cognitive function-
Lifestyle factors and cognitive de- ing.” However, this study raises the
cline-The lead author, Zheng and his possibility that social determinants of
team analyzed data from over 7,000 health may play as important, if not
American adults born between 1931 more important role, in determining
and 1941 who had participated in a the odds of achieving successful ag-
larger study called the Health and Re- ing outcomes, including maintaining
tirement Study Trusted Source where normal memory into and throughout
their cognitive function had been reg- older adulthood.
ularly measured from 1996 to 2016. Socioeconomic factors, vascular
The Health and Retirement Study health, and health behaviors all come
also collected information on partici- together in the individual and interact
pants’ lifestyle behaviors, including with genetic predispositions to estab-
exercise, smoking, physical health, lish our brain health as an older adult.
and socioeconomic factors such as Socioeconomic factors, in particu-
education, income, and occupation. lar the quality and quantity of one’s
Upon analysis, the research team early education, exerts an influence
found the many factors included in on future cognitive health through
the study statistically accounted for the contribution to cognitive reserve.
DANESH FOROUGHI, PH.D. Alan Modarressi, PhD, QME
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, PSY13680 Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Licensed Marriage, Family & Child Psychotherapist, MFC23455 Qualified Medical Evaluator
Certified National Board of Addiction Examiners #4974 Certified Psychophsychologist
Tel: (310) 940-3642 Diplomat, American Academy of Pain Management
15720 Ventura Blvd., Second Fl. #224 Encino CA 91436 (818) 501-6080 (562) 861-7226