Page 79 - Javanan Magazine Issue #1906
P. 79

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1902
                                                        Parivash, Los Angeles
                                                        P  ariv    ash, Los           Angeles

                                                                                                                    When I returned there, they gave me
                                                                                   o Nicaragua

                                                  From Tehran to Nicaragua                                          a three-month visa. I immediately
                                                               Tehran t
                                                                                                                    bought a ticket for the US and went
                                                                                                                    to my daughter's residence. I asked
                                                                                                                    all the neighbors. Parisa also had an
                                                ly attached to me and her sister. I   that Tony wanted to take her to his   Afghan neighbor who helped me a
                                                prayed my daughter would succeed   hometown to meet his family. "I told   lot. "Do not worry." He comforted
                                                in that great foreign country. When   him I don't have a green card," my   me. "Your daughter is a very strong
                                                she arrived in the US, I returned to   daughter said. "He said he knows   girl."
                                                Iran to prepare my other daughter   some of the border agents and cross-
                                                to join her sister. We were not a big   ing the border will not be a prob-  I decided to go to Nicaragua. They
               After a terrible accident and los-  family; some of our relatives had   lem."                        told me that if I left, I would not be
               ing  my  husband,  I  never  remar-  moved to other countries and only   I got a little worried. "Be careful   able to return to the US. I told them
               ried because of my two beautiful   a few old retired relatives remained   dear," I said. "Don't do an illegal act   I didn't care at all. So I went to Ni-
               teenage daughters.  Several  men   who could not in any way help us.   that you would regret it for the rest   caragua. I had no sign of Tony and
               would come to propose to them    After some time, Parisa brought me   of your life."                 my daughter. I only had a photo of
               or  disturb  them  until  three people   some good news. After about one                             them together that my daughter had
               threatened my eldest daughter. I saw   year in college, she got accepted to   "I trust him a lot Mom," Parisa said   emailed me a few months ago.
               the only way to get her out of Iran. I   the university and chose the field of   with ease. "So far, he has done what   I went like crazy to restaurants,
               had an old friend in the USA named   dentistry.  You and my sister were   he said. He tried to take me to his   stores,  and  the  police  station.  But
               Shokat. I talked to her and told her   complaining a lot about toothache,   house several times, but I refused.   everyone said that I could not file a
               my story. "I'll not take responsibility   so I went to this field to relieve your   He said several times that he was   complaint with a photo. They said
               for a pretty teenage girl." She told   pain, said my dear daughter.   willing to drink wine because of me,   I should have Tony's last name, ad-
               me. "It's not possible for her to come                             but I told him that he should never   dress, or at least his phone number.
               to the US."                      She was one of the best in her uni-  do that."                      Finally, a police officer helped me.
               "I'll do everything I can to send her   versity. She used to email me the   A month later, Parisa called. "We   "Give me your daughter's phone
                                                news of her successes or send me
               there," I said. "That's OK. I get help   photos. She would tell me about ev-  crossed the border easily." She said.   number." He said.
               from my other friends."          erything and I was filled with hope   "I don't know what documents Tony   I immediately gave him the number.
               Then we went to Turkey with my   and joy. I was proud of myself that I   showed them, but nothing went   "A man has your daughter's num-
               daughter Parisa and settled in a ho-  was able to provide for my life and                            ber." He said after an hour.
               tel.  When the  hotel  manager  dis-  my daughter's future without any   "I'm worried dear," I said. "Just be   "No one was answering her phone in
               covered that I was a dress designer,   support. Once, my daughter told me   careful."                the past month," I said.
               he told me that if I designed some   about a kind neighbor who saved   "Don't worry Mom. "When I meet
               dresses for his wife and one of his   her from an intruder and once de-  his family, I'll send you pictures."   "Anyway, a man answered today. I'll
               influential friends, he would help me   fended her from a dog attack. "He's   After this conversation, I lost con-  try to help you. An Iranian helped
               get my daughter's visa.          a real gentleman." My daughter    tact with Parisa. I was very worried.   me four years ago in Los Angeles.
                                                                                                                    Maybe today I can make up for it."
               I went to visit the man's wife and her   said. "He's from Nicaragua. He says   I called one of my friends and told
               friend and took some pieces of cloth   he has a wine and tequila business,   her to visit Parisa's place and ask   I stayed in a small hotel. four days
               with me. They liked some of them   but he is not a drinker himself. He   about Tony. My friend called me af-  later, the officer called. "Come here
               and in ten days, I was able to sew   says his biggest wish is to get mar-  ter four days. "This man is a smug-  now." He said. "We've tracked down
               them with my unique taste in art. I   ried and have children. He says that   gler." She said. "Neighbors say the   where this person lives and we're
               took them to the two women. Both   in his whole life, he has never seen   police came to arrest him, but no one   on our way there." I jumped up and
               were so surprised by the result and   a beautiful girl like me who is also   has heard of him."      joined them quickly. An hour later,
               hugged me excitedly. They paid me   decent."                                                         the police rang the doorbell of an old
               well for my work and promised to   I was happy, but I warned her to   This phone call broke me inside. I   house in the town. A man opened the
               arrange my daughter's trip. Finally,   be careful because the essence of   screamed and cried uncontrollably.   door. It was Tony. "My daughter is
               they informed us that my daughter   people was not necessarily visible in   I entrusted my daughter to you and   here!" I shouted.
               had been accepted to a university   their words and actions.       now I ask you to bring her back to   Officers entered the house and hand-
               and they could send her to the US                                  me, I said to God.                cuffed Tony. They found my daugh-
               through their influence.  And they   six months have passed. One day,   I called her university. Everyone was   ter in the basement. She was very
               fulfilled their promise. Finally, my   Parisa called me. "Tony loves me   worried about her. I went to Turkey   thin and broken. "Mom." She said.
               daughter  got  her  visa.  I  gave  her   and I love Tony," she said. "But I   in a crazy state and applied for a visa
               all my savings. "Go there and try   told him I don't like extramarital af-  to the US. They told me it was not   I hugged her tightly and held her in
               as hard as you can, study and build   fairs and I have no intention of get-  possible. "My daughter is missing,"   my arms for a long time. Thank you
               your future," I told my daughter. "I'll   ting married now.  The poor man   I shouted. "Maybe they killed my   for bringing Parisa back to me, I said
               send you money."                 says he will do whatever I want. He   daughter. I need help."       to my God.
               My daughter said goodbye with    truly is a genuine reasonable man."   They took my name and information
               teary eyes and left. She was deep-  One day my daughter informed me   and told me to come back tomorrow.
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