Page 79 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1902
P. 79

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1902
                                                                     Parviz, Los Angeles                            husband refused and even followed
                                                 I fell in love with a charming                                     her to Turkey. But he couldn't find
                                                                                                                    her. After returning to Iran, Shok-
                                                  woman with a hundred faces                                        oufeh called him with an unknown
                                                                                                                    phone number and told him that she
                                                                                                                    had gone to Australia and that  he
                                                                                                                    should stop chasing her.
                                                                                      buy a bigger house. I bought   After my brother's call, I was com-
                                                                                       the house in Shokoufeh's     pletely shocked. One day when
                                                                                       name and added her name to   Shokoufeh was out shopping, I
                                                                                       my bank accounts. I could see   searched her clothes and documents
                                                                                        how she showed her love to   and found phone numbers and ad-
                                                                                        me  more.  I  wanted  to  have   dresses related to  Turkey. I called
                 had gone to Los  Angeles                                               a child with her, but Shok-  those numbers at an opportune time.
                 airport to welcome Roya,                                               oufeh said that it is difficult   One of them told me that Shokoufeh
              I my sister, and her husband.                                              for her to have a child at the   was married to an elderly Iraqi man
               It was so emotional for me to                                             age of 38 and she prefers   for a while and after stealing all his
               see them after 25 years. While                                            to adopt a girl and a boy   bank savings, she not only got her
               carrying one of their heavy suit-                                          when we travel the whole   husband in trouble but left Turkey
               cases,  I  noticed  a  woman  who                                          world together. This sug-  without divorcing him.
               accompanied my sister. Before I                                            gestion made me love her   My head was bursting after hear-
               could ask anything, my sister an-                                           even more. In my mind,
               swered my unasked question.                                                 she was a perfect woman   ing this news. I couldn't believe that
               "Dear Parviz, I would like to intro-                                        with special human char-  there was an evil deceitful being
               duce Shokoufeh." my sister said.                                             acteristics. Many times I   behind this loving seductive face. I
               "We sat next to each other on the                                            regretted  the  years  that   couldn't bear to see her and wanted
               plane and got to know each other.                                            I lost without her; The   to focus on my thoughts, so I went
               And what a kind understanding girl                                           years  that  could  have   to visit a friend in San Francisco.
               she is."                                                                      made my life more col-  There I consulted an experienced
               I looked at the girl. She had a very                                          orful.                 lawyer and asked him for help. Then
               graceful slender body. Her eyes                                               As Shokoufeh had       I returned to Los Angeles. One night
               were sea blue. She came forward                                                wanted, I had nothing   I invited Shokoufeh to a private din-
               and shook my hand. "I've heard so                                              to do with her family.   ner at a restaurant. She was very
               much about you from Roya that                                                  Until one day when    surprised. But when I told her all the
               it's like I've known you for like ten                       We     we went to San Diego, a young lady   information I had gathered, she sud-
               years." She said.                             started    making    ran to Shokoufeh and hugged her.   denly knocked the wine glass on the
               I shook her warm hand. "Nice to   friendly visits with Shokoufeh and   "How are your family and the kids?"   table and purposefully injured her
               meet you," I said.               her niece, who was a woman of     The woman asked her.              hand with the broken glass.  Then
               It was decided to drop Shokoufeh   Shokoufeh's age. Gradually we be-  I don't know what Shokoufeh said   she screamed and asked for help. In
               at her niece's house first. Along the   came more and more interested in   in the lady's ear, but that woman   a second, I was surrounded by the
               way, she spoke about her univer-  each other. One day I was talking to   kept quiet and they exchanged their   security guards and the staff.  This
               sity  education,  her  great  job,  and   Shokoufeh when she looked at me.   phone numbers.          man wants to kill me, Shokoufeh
               her high income. So, why you had   "I'm badly in love with you, Mr. Par-  "Who was  that woman?" I asked   kept shouting.
               to leave Iran with such a great posi-  viz!" She said.             Shokoufeh.                        The police took me away. No mat-
               tion? I asked her.               I laughed. "Why are you talking so   "My brother's next-door neighbor   ter how hard I tried to explain, I got
               "You can't imagine how a woman   formally?" I asked.               who now hates me because I refused   nowhere. Finally, my lawyer came
               with great physical beauty can suffer   "I'm used to it."          to marry his old friend."         from San Francisco and released me
               from all kinds of harassment, sex of-  four months later, we decided to get   It was as if I had been hit on the   temporarily. In the meantime, Shok-
               fers, and even revenge. I concluded   married. "Remember," Shokoufeh   head. I had just realized the mys-  oufeh hired a famous  American
               that I couldn't bear it anymore and I   said. "I have no family. You're mar-  teriousness of Shokoufeh's charac-  lawyer with my money and accused
               left Iran in a situation where almost   rying someone who is completely   ter and her past life. You should do   me of trying to kill her, forcing her
               all my family members, relatives,   alone."                        some research, a voice in my head   to make love to me with unconven-
               and friends had abandoned me.    "Good. It's better and hassle-free   said. Maybe there is a secret in this.  tional methods, and torturing her for
               Now, I have no one in Iran."     that way." I said.                I asked my brother in Iran to find   months.
               Shokoufeh's witty and more or less   Shokoufeh knew all the techniques   phone numbers related to Shok-
               provocative looks filled my mind all   of flirting and seduction of men. I   oufeh's last name and do some inves-  Within three weeks, I presented to
               night. The next morning, I talked to   loved her. I would do anything for   tigation. After a month, my brother   the court all the documents showing
               my sister over breakfast.        her. I was so enamored with her af-  informed me that the issue was more   her marriage with her first husband
               "What do you think of this girl?" I   fections, caresses, and flirtations that   complicated than we thought.  in Iran, along with the documents of
               asked.                           I shared all my wealth with her in   "Why?" I asked.                her second husband in Turkey.
               "The best choice for marriage." She   the first month. Especially since she   "Shokoufeh has a husband and   Shokoufeh was finally caught in her
               answered. "She is perfect in every   showed me a Land ownership docu-  three children in Iran," he answered.   lies and sent to prison. I am trying to
               way."                            ment and told me that she would put   "About a year and a half ago, her   free her and send her to Iran empty-
               "Let's talk more about this."    it in my name so that I could go to   husband sent her to Turkey with her   handed. At least maybe she can go
               "You can't stop thinking about her,   Iran and sell it, then use the money   girlfriends to buy clothes and medi-  back to her poor husband and chil-
               can you?" Roya's husband said.   to develop my own business.       cine, but Shokoufeh never returned.   dren and eventually, leave her scams
               "No," I answered. "But I'm im-   Relying on Shokoufeh's love, I    She sent a message to her husband   and deceptions behind.
               pressed by her personality."     worked so hard that I was able to   and asked him to divorce her. Her       Translation: Massi Zokaei
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