Page 77 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1882
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PSYCHOLOGICAL                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1882
                                                                                                                                        ISSUE No. 1856
                                PERSPECTIVES                                                                                            JAVANAN
                               Dr. Alan A.
                              Modarressi                            LOGICAL PERSPECTIVES
                                Clinical and               A SOCIOCULTURAL AND MIND AND BODY OUTLOOK
                                                           In this column, we examine the mental health issues in the context
                                                         of social, culture, and physiological concerns of the Iranian community
                                DEPRESSION AND YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM

                                                         How they Affect Each Other

                     esearch has shown the re-   people  who had depression  and   are so complex that being able to   contributing to depression.
                     lationship between men-     people who did not, but were at   bring massive amounts of data      Their findings also suggest that
               Rtal health and our vari-         a high genetic risk for developing   together to untangle complicated   the association between depres-
               ous physical functioning. But a   depression.                      biological problems is essential.  sion polygenic  scores and in-
               new large-scale study published    The team found a strong connec-   The researchers’ results show   creased white blood cell count are
               in Journal of  American Medical   tion between depression polygenic   a feedback loop in which people   bidirectional. In other words, they
               Association  (JAMA)  links  de-   scores and white blood cell count.  who  are  at a  higher  genetic  risk   both affect one another. It is hoped
               pression to white blood count. In   They also found that even hav-  for depression also have a higher   that the results motivate future de-
               otherwards, increased depression   ing a high genetic risk for depres-  baseline level of inflammation. If   velopment of clinical biomarkers
               polygenic (Related to more than   sion was enough to contribute to   a person develops depression, that   and targeted treatment options for
               one gene) scores are associated   an elevated  level of  white  blood   further increases the biomarkers   depression.
               with increased white blood cell   cells. Primary analyses for the   related to inflammation.           Prior  studies  linked  depression
               count, highlighting the importance   study were conducted in VUMC’s   Their findings reveals that re-  to inflammation and this research
               of the immune system in the etiol-  biobank, with replication analyses   lationship between depression   contributes to mounting evidence
               ogy of depression.                conducted across the  three  other   polygenic scores and white blood   of a pro-inflammatory state in de-
                 The study asserts that despite a   health care systems. Results from   cell count was statistically strong   pression and creates an opportu-
               wide understanding of depression   382,452 patients’ electronic health   and people with higher polygenic   nity to think about a new class of
               as a psychiatric disorder, depres-  record data were meta-analyzed   scores for depression had a high-  anti-depressive therapies focused
               sion’s underlying biological ef-  across all four systems.         er white blood cell count, but the   on lowering pro-inflammatory
               fects are still poorly understood.   The study team noted that cross-  number was still considered in   markers.
               We know that there’s a strong re-  institutional collaboration is a ne-  the ‘normal’ range. This            This research is another
               We know that there’s a strong re-
                                                                                                                            This research is another
                                                 institutional collaboration is a ne-
                                                                                  the ‘normal’ range. This
                                                 cessity when  it  comes  to  under-
                                                                                                                          reminder for the scientific
               lationship between depression and
               lationship between depression and   cessity when  it  comes  to  under-  suggests that sustained,          reminder for the scientific
                                                                                  suggests that sustained,
                                                 standing things like  depression.
                                                                                                                           community that our men-
               several chronic health conditions,
               several chronic health conditions,   standing things like  depression.   but not abnormal, acti-            community that our men-
                                                                                  but not abnormal, acti-
                                                                                                                             tal and physical health is
                                                 The stated, “It’s been so powerful
               and we also know there’s a rela-
               and we also know there’s a rela-  The stated, “It’s been so powerful   vation of the immune                   tal and physical health is
                                                                                  vation of the immune
                                                                                                                             not separated. Rather,
                                                 to have a whole network of institu-
               tionship between depression and
               tionship between depression and   to have a whole network of institu-  system may be                          not separated. Rather,
                                                                                     system may be
                                                 tions with biobanks
                                                                                                                             we function as a whole
               inflammation. However, we do
               inflammation. However, we do      tions with biobanks                                                         we function as a whole
                                                 all working to-
                                                                                                                             person that includes not
               not know how they’re connected,   all working to-                                                             person that includes not
               not know how they’re connected,
                                                 gether. The  prob-
               which condition causes the other
               which condition causes the other   gether. The  prob-                                                        only our physical body
                                                                                                                            only our physical body
                                                 lems that we’re
                                                                                                                          but also our  emotions,
               or if there’s something underlying
               or if there’s something underlying   lems that we’re                                                       but also our  emotions,
                                                 trying to
                                                                                                                              cognitive and mental
               that causes both.                 trying to                                                                    cognitive and mental
               that causes both.
                                                                                                                                  functioning,  and
                 To answer that question, the re-
                 To answer that question, the re-  tack-                                                                          functioning,  and
                                                                                                                                      spiritual and
               search team, which consisted of
               search team, which consisted of   l e  e                                                                               spiritual and
               researchers from Vanderbilt Uni-
               researchers from Vanderbilt Uni-                                                                                         personali-
                                                                                                                                          ty under-
               versity Medical Center (VUMC),                                                                                             ty under-
               versity Medical Center (VUMC),
                                                                                                                                           pi n-
               the  Icahn  School  of  Medicine
               the  Icahn  School  of  Medicine                                                                                            pi n-
               at Mount Sinai, Mass General
               at Mount Sinai, Mass General                                                                                                 nings.
               Brigham (a hospital and physi-
               Brigham (a hospital and physi-
               cians network that includes
               cians network that includes
               Brigham and Women’s Hos-
               Brigham and Women’s Hos-
               pital and Massachusetts
               pital and Massachusetts
               General Hospital)
               General Hospital)
               and the Mil-
               and the Mil-
               lion Veteran
               ied   two
                        DANESH FOROUGHI, PH.D.                                           Alan Modarressi, PhD, QME
                        Licensed Clinical Psychologist, PSY13680                                Licensed Clinical Psychologist
                Licensed Marriage, Family & Child Psychotherapist, MFC23455                       Qualified Medical Evaluator
                    Certified National Board of Addiction Examiners #4974                        Certified Psychophsychologist
                              Tel: (310) 940-3642                                   Diplomat, American Academy of Pain Management
                   15720 Ventura Blvd., Second Fl. #224 Encino CA 91436             (818) 501-6080            (562) 861-7226
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