Page 78 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1882
P. 78

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1882
                                                                 Nazli from Orange County                           fused. Until one day my daughter said
                                                 From Iran and Turkey, To Cuba, To CosTa                            she knows a man who can help us go
                                                                                                                    to Cuba. We'll do that, I said. Then, I
                                                    rICa and FInally To The unITed sTaTes                           called Shahriar and said we are com-
                                                                                                                    ing to Cuba!
                                                                                                                      "Don't  do  that."  He  said.  "I'm  in
                                                                                                                    one of the villages of Cuba. I don't
                                                                                                                    have a specific address. They'll prob-
                                                                                        he sent us a monthly amount   ably take my phone from me these
                                                                                        and assured us that he would   days. They suspect that I'm in contact
                                                                                         end this situation as soon as   with you."
                                                                                         possible. He said Maria is   "But we must do something."
                                                                                         a harmless woman and has   Then, our phone connection was cut
                       hen I left Iran with my                                           been living upstairs with   off.
                       husband Shahriar, my                                              her boyfriend since the first   Since that day, it was no longer
              Wson Rashid and my                                                          night. He said he also pays   possible to talk to him on the phone.
               daughter Ziba, almost all of our                                           part of their living expenses.   This made me more worried. I talked
               family members had moved to                                                I tried to find faster solu-  to the gentleman introduced by my
               Europe, Canada, Australia and the                                          tions through an Iranian   daughter and because of our Iranian
               United States before us. All of them                                       lawyer several times, but I   passports, it was not a problem to
               promised all kinds of support before                                        realized that I still have to   travel to Cuba. A week later we were
               we left Iran, but when we set foot in                                       wait.                    in Cuba. We got a room in a cheap
               Turkey, most of them did not answer                                            Our life in Turkey con-  hotel and I got a job in a hairdressing
               their phones or said that just as soon                                      tinued despite difficulties   salon that same week. Our only hope
               as we reach the US and Canada, they                                         and worries. I felt that my   was that Shahriar has our phone num-
               will do whatever they can for us. My                                         dreams were far away    ber, but unfortunately there was no
               little brother, my only brother, was                                         from me. I did not know   news of him. Until I met a woman at
               living in Sweden. If you become a                                            what would happen in    my workplace whose husband was a
               refugee to Sweden, you are welcome                                           the future. I did not know   lawyer. I told her my life story and she
               to stay in my apartment, he said. I                                          what would happen to    promised to help me.
               had no reason to become a refugee.                                            my kids at such a sen-   I met her husband that weekend.
               On the other hand, it was difficult to                                        sitive age.  Waiting for   "I'll help you apply for asylum and
               get a visa. Until one night in the hotel                                      several years was pain-  go directly to the US." He said. "But I
               lobby, one of our new Iranian friends                                         ful for us, but we en-  don't know what to do about your hus-
               said that we have only one option, that                                        dured this situation for   band." The good man took us to Costa
               one of us should marry a US citizen                                            two years. Until one   Rica, where he applied for asylum and
               and after going to the US and getting                                          day Shahriar called.   attached all of our documents, plus my
               a green card, get a divorce and bring                                          "This woman makes     husband's texts and emails, to our ap-
               the family to the country. I don't have                                        excuses."  He  said.   plication file. Two months later, he in-
               the courage to do such a thing, I said.                                         "She says that divorce   formed us that our asylum application
               Shahriar will kill me!                                                          is bad in her family.   was accepted, but because of that fake
                 We talked a lot that night; Both                          pid-                She says I should stay   marriage, my husband has to return to
               jokingly and seriously. In the end,       ity.  They said that many   with her for at least eight years and   Turkey to process his application later.
               it was decided that I would find an   of these marriages ended in disaster.   even go with her to Cuba, so that she   Confused and worried, we arrived
               old unattractive US citizen and pay   They said many families have been   can introduce me to her family. I told   in the US on the eve of Christmas.
               her a sum of money so that Shahriar   torn apart in this way. We didn't sleep   her that I will do what she wants, but   Instead of being happy, we were all
               would marry her and go to the US.   until dawn that night and talked a lot. I   then she should let me go, because my   devastated.  We were worried about
               We thought about this plan for two                                 family is waiting in Turkey."     Shahriar's fate. At that point, the trans-
               months. Until a Cuban mother and   tried to make the kids understand that   "If you think this woman wants   fer of 6,000 dollars to Maria's account
               daughter who came to Turkey as tour-  their father is a conscientious commit-  to hurt you, forget the green card and   in the US became a window of hope
               ists, attracted our attention. I opened   ted man, who would never betray us.   come back to Turkey." I said.   for us. A kind American lawyer did
               the conversation with them.      Since it would take three or four years   "You cannot take such a risk with   anything he could for us. He found a
                 "I'll get 6,000 dollars." Maria, the   to go through these steps, we moved   US law. I'll be in big trouble."  suitable job for me and my daughter
               70-year-old mother said. "When you   to Shahriar's niece's apartment in the   "We'll be forced to return to Iran."  and sent my son to school. Then, he
               get a green card, you'll pay me another   suburbs of Istanbul to lower our liv-  “Just wait. I'll try my best."  made a case against Maria and her
               2,000 dollars."                  ing expenses. I got a temporary job in   Exactly three months later, Shahri-  family. Maria left Shahriar out of fear,
                 "You know that Shahriar will not   a hairdressing salon. Ziba, who spoke   ar informed us that he is in Cuba with   and Shahriar came to Mexico to find a
               divorce me, right?" I asked.     English well, got a job in a restaurant,   Maria to meet her family, who are all   way to save himself.
                 "Yes, I know. The only thing that   and 14-year-old Rashid took care of   criminals. "Maria's older brother told   I still don't know exactly what hap-
               matters to me is the money. Your hus-  his cousin's kids. So, we almost cov-  me to take all my money from Iran to   pened, I don't know what that amaz-
               band must also promise not to do any-  ered our living expenses. A few weeks   Cuba. He said that we'll all become   ing American lawyer did, but finally
               thing because I have a boyfriend."   passed. Shahriar used to call us regu-  millionaires in three years. Of course,   the doors opened. Yesterday, the door-
                 Despite my and the children's wish-  larly. Don't be too hard on yourself, he   I know what he means by that. They   bell rang and Shahriar entered the
               es, Shahriar married Maria and also   would say. We have enough money.   are  smugglers.  I'll  escape  if  I  get a   house, broken and pale. No one asked
               paid for their hotel stay until the visas   I'm also going to start a job. I'll send   chance. Maybe I'll come directly to   him what happened. All we did was
               came. Then, they got their visas and   you money soon.             Turkey. Just pray for me."        appreciate that we were all under one
               were ready to go. At the airport, Rashid   Then, Shahriar found a job in a   I could no longer sleep at night.   roof again.
               and Ziba scolded me a lot for my stu-  car repair shop. As he had promised,   The kids were also worried and con-  Translation: Massi Zokaei
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