Page 79 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1901
P. 79
From The Desk Of The Editor ISSUE No. 1900
Maziar from Los Angeles next day, I started working at the res-
The day when taurant. I slept there at night and my
salary was not bad. Two weeks later,
the star of my life went out I called my mother.
"What's happening there?" I asked.
"Wherever you are, stay there." She
said. "Don't come here."
I asked the residents how I "What about Setareh?"
could return to Tehran. Then "You're so naive. The girl got mar-
I called my mother. Even the ried and went on a honeymoon with
people around me could hear her husband. After that, they are
her screams and curses. going to the USA. You've to think
"You took away our honor." about your own life."
32 years ago, I was in love. I She said. When I said I was in Turkey work-
had met Setareh, my sister's "What do I do now?" I ing in a restaurant, she laughed out
neighbor two years before that asked. loud. “I knew you would find your
and fell in love with her in- "Go hide somewhere. way. Keep in touch. If there is any-
stantly. She loved me too. Even They'll arrest you if you thing I can do, tell me and I'll help
if we didn't see each other one come back here." you."
Life in Turkey was accompanied
day, her tears would flow. We I was very disappointed.
were both very young. I was 20 I thought about the grief by many ups and downs. Due to the
and Setareh was 18. I once talked of losing Setareh, her un- heart attack of the restaurant owner,
I had to cook in a restaurant bar for
to my mother about our love. My known fate, and my own a while. Then I sought asylum and
mother advised me to pursue edu- dark destiny. At one mo- waited for a year and a half in Tur-
cation. She said it was too soon for ment, I decided to get to key. I ended up going to Europe and
love matters. Turkey by any means six months later, I found myself in
But two years later, a rich suitor possible. After inquir- Chicago. Staying in Turkey helped
was found for Setareh. We thought ing, I found Shahbaz me learn Turkish and English easily.
and Ardavan, a fa-
all our dreams would be perished. ther and a son. I told In Chicago, I pursued my education.
Setareh suggested running away to- them my story. The After many years, I graduated in the
gether. She told me we should go to father invited me to field of dentistry and gained special-
Turkey with the help of smugglers his house. I couldn't izations over time. study and work
and get married. We’ll both work believe that so much helped me forget the sadness of part-
and build our lives, she said. your kindness was offered to me in a ing with Setareh to some extent, but
"I've heard horrible stories about life away from you. small border village, without any every time I looked at her picture,
these smugglers," I said. "I don't At 5:00 p.m., when his mother was prior acquaintance. I felt my heart tighten. Although
trust such people under any circum- driving to his father's office to return "Our job is to take fugitives from many girls came my way, I was
stances. We've to think of another home together, was the best oppor- Iran to Turkey," Shahbaz said. "But still not ready for marriage. I was
way." tunity to leave. I took whatever sav- we don't get much money." engaged to a girl once. But after six
Setareh was devastated. She said ings I had from my evening job and I took all the money I had from my months our relationship reached a
that her parents had seen all the ar- left home with a sack full of clothes, pocket and put it on the floor. dead end. Then, I got a good job op-
rangements for her marriage. On food, and necessary medicine. An "Take your money, son," Shahbaz portunity in Los Angeles and came
the other hand, since his brother had hour later, we were at the Bus ter- said. "You're a heartbroken young to the City of Angels. I don't know
found out about our relationship, Se- minal. When we settled in our seats, lover. I'll take you with a group of why, but since the first day I came
tareh had been locked up at home. we breathed a sigh of relief and Se- twelve people across the border to Los Angeles, I was strangely ex-
She was only allowed to go out with tareh fell asleep with her head on my to the city of Van. The rest is up to cited. It was as if an event was about
her mother and brother. chest. An hour later, the bus sudden- you." to happen. About ten days ago, I was
She called me one night. "They ly stopped. Two police officers en- "I want to repay all this love in some walking on Westwood Street. After
have arranged my marriage in two tered the bus and both came straight way," I said. many years, I saw all the passers-by
weeks," she said. "I'm ready to com- to us. They violently ordered us to "You have our home address and speaking Farsi to each other. Then
mit suicide with you to prove to get off. When we fearfully got off phone number. When you get rich, I stopped in front of a restaurant. I
them that we love each other." the bus, we saw Setareh's brother a come and pay your debt back. I'll went inside and ordered food. I was
"These crazy actions are not in our little further away. He was yelling give you a friend's phone number. lost in my thoughts when a hand
interest," I said. "But let's make a and cursing at me. He took Setareh He'll help you in Istanbul." touched my shoulder.
plan. We leave our homes and go to into his car and sped away. I was I do not want to go into details. One "Maziar, is that you?" I heard a fe-
my grandmother's house in Tabriz waiting for them to handcuff me, day I opened my eyes and found male voice. "My God! Is that really
by bus. We'll get married there. My but it did not happen. "Leave, man." myself in Istanbul. I couldn't believe you?
grandmother will be the confidant The younger officer whispered in it. I called that number in the eve- I turned and saw Setareh. We hugged
of our secrets. This is our only solu- my ear. "Go hide somewhere. I'll ning. "Give me your address." He each other tightly without paying at-
tion." answer my boss. Just go." said. "I'll come and get you." tention to the people around us.
"I'm ready to get out of the house I was both happy and sad. And also Half an hour later, he came and took "What are you doing here?" I asked.
right now," she said. worried about what will happen me to his small restaurant. "Go up- "Do not ask me," she answered.
I was shocked to hear this. I asked next. I got off the bus near a small stairs and rest." said the man "You'll Then she hugged me again. The cus-
myself, is this really a logical solu- dusty village and found a cafe. For start tomorrow." tomers were congratulating loudly
tion? Doesn't it bring scandal? But the first time in my life, I drank a The last sentence made me happy. and we were still deep in each oth-
then, I scolded myself, get up man, do large glass of hot tea with twenty I breathed a sigh of relief. I knew er's arms.
something, they are taking the love of sugar cubes. I would have a job tomorrow. The Translation: Massi Zokaei