Page 78 - Javanan Magazine Issue #1913
P. 78
ISSUE No. 1856
Dr. Alan A.
Clinical and
Neuro-Psychologyst How to Revive Your Immune System
A recent Harvard Health article are resistant to more types of infec- and exercise- Studies show the im- in your immune system—certain
reports that Parents often wonder: tions. A few people, very few, are mune system is very responsive cells that tell the immune system to
What can we do to keep our children resistant to all types of infections. to exercise. Exercise and immune wind down an attack—to fail. When
healthy? Are there ways to boost the How to know if your immune regulation are interrelated and affect this happens, too much inflamma-
immune system and ward off CO- system is weak or strong- Unfor- each other. Exercise changes im- tion can occur. Hives are one exam-
VID, colds, flu and other illnesses? tunately, most people find out that mune regulation by affecting cells ple of a stress-induced breakdown
The answer is yes — but there are no one part of their immune system is and has anti-inflammatory effects. in the immune system’s patrols.
magic wands or magic supplements. weak when they get an infection. But Sleep for at least seven hours a Drink less alcohol- Alcohol disrupts
The best way to keep the immune sys- there is no single test that checks out night- When the body does not get immune pathways that can impair the
tem healthy is, basically, to take nec- the immune system.
essary steps to keep healthy. As bor- Age plays a big role
ing as that sounds, it's tried and true. in the immune sys-
A Columbia University article tem. Young children,
echoes those sentiments. You’ve exposed to infections
seen the dodgy ads at the bottom of for the first time, tend
web pages for pills, drinks, and su- to be symptomatic
per foods that promise to boost your more than adults. And
immunity. Is there any truth to these older adults may find
claims? “It’s important to know that their immune system
these products—and activities like cannot fight disease
cold-water plunges—have not been as well as it did when
shown to enhance immunity or in- they were young.
crease your protection against infec- Scientists are study-
tion,” says pediatric immunologist ing direct connec-
Joshua Milner, MD, professor of pedi- tions between lifestyle
atrics at Columbia University Vagelos choices and strong
College of Physicians and Surgeons. immune systems.
“A lifestyle that includes eating What we know now
healthy foods, physical activity, reduc- is that healthy liv-
ing stress, and getting enough sleep is ing is good for over-
known to keep your immune system all health and vac-
in the best shape,” adds Milner, who cinations are the best
is a leader in the discovery of rare im- supplement available. Most studies enough sleep, the immune system body’s ability to defend against infec-
mune deficiency disorders of children. show that dietary supplements are is negatively affected. Sleep loss tion, contribute to organ damage asso-
Your body’s immune system—a only useful if you have a deficiency reduces natural killer cell activity, ciated with alcohol consumption, and
collaboration among organs, cells, and in a nutrient. Taking supplements which increases the risk for cancer impede recovery from tissue injury.
proteins—fights off germs to protect on top of a healthy diet does not and viral infections; generates pro- Do not smoke- Smoking ex-
you from getting sick. The immune add much to your immune system. duction of inflammatory cytokines, acerbates pathogenic (disease-
system changes through the lifespan as Eat as many fresh fruits and veg- which increases the risk for cardio- causing) immune responses and/
people are exposed to bacteria, viruses, etables as you can, every day- The vascular and metabolic disorders; or reduces immune defenses.
and other microbes. These exposures, micronutrients they provide ensure and reduces production of antibodies, Get recommended vaccines- Vac-
and exposures via vaccines, teach you aren’t missing key nutritional which increases the risk for infections. cines, also called immunizations,
the immune system to recognize the components, like zinc and vitamin Minimize stress- Stress of all teach the immune system to make
germs later in life and eliminate them. A, that your immune system needs sorts—psychological and physi- antibodies that fight off infec-
It is almost never the case that to fight off invading microbes. Note cal—directly weakens parts of your tions before they make you sick.
your immune system is completely that most supplements are not su- immune system, increasing risk for Ask your doctor about zinc- Tak-
weak, says Milner. Most often, only perior to the nutrients you can get infections or reactivation of viruses ing zinc supplements at the beginning
a small part of the immune system from food. The fiber from fruit and inside you. Shingles, a painful rash of a respiratory infection can reduce
is weak, which makes infections vegetables can help your gut’s mi- that arises from the reactivated chick- the severity and duration of symp-
from specific, not all, bugs more crobiome produce important com- enpox virus, often flares up when toms. Ask your doctor to recommend
likely. Some people have stronger pounds for a healthy immune system. people are experiencing chronic brands and appropriate dose for you.
immune systems than others, so they Stay physically active with walks stress. Stress can also cause "patrols"
DANESH FOROUGHI, PH.D. Alan Modarressi, PhD, QME
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, PSY13680 Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Licensed Marriage, Family & Child Psychotherapist, MFC23455 Qualified Medical Evaluator
Certified National Board of Addiction Examiners #4974 Certified Psychophsychologist
Tel: (310) 940-3642 Diplomat, American Academy of Pain Management
15720 Ventura Blvd., Second Fl. #224 Encino CA 91436 (818) 501-6080 (562) 861-7226