Page 79 - Javanan Magazine Issue #1913
P. 79
From The Desk Of The Editor ISSUE No. 1913
Behrouz, 41 years old
The angelic face of our proxy bride suddenly turned into
a demonic one!
US after returning there. We got mar- proposed moving to Europe, Ger-
ried and I came to the US with great many. She was distraught when she
enthusiasm. With the help of a law- heard the suggestion. "I left Iran for
yer, I started the case of getting her the love I had for the US. I only love
green card. Just after I bought a big this country." She said. "If I wanted
Last night when I was talking beautiful apartment and furnished to go to Germany, I would have mar-
on the phone with my mother, she it how I wanted, Ziba arrived and ried that doctor from five years ago!"
was trying to convince me that she filled my life with love and hope. Our argument continued. One night
did those actions for my happi- I wanted to make her to my liking, so when the argument got serious, my
ness and that there are still many I shared all my wishes with her. She wife threw a chair at the window
innocent noble girls in Iran, but obeyed my wishes and treated me and then yelled at me as loud as she
I had completely lost my faith. with special kindness. In the mean- could. The next day, a man who
After living in the USA for 14 years, time, only one issue bothered me, claimed to be a lawyer called me. He
my mother kept calling me and re- sis- and that was her attention towards informed me that my wife had sued
fused to hang up. That was four years ters didn't stop insist- one of her mother's relatives, who me, claiming that I had threatened
ago. She insisted that I choose an ing, I finally agreed to check the lived in another state. Ziba told me to kill her. He told me I should get
acquaintance of hers and my sisters list of girls they proposed to find they grew up together and loved each a lawyer since a subpoena had been
in Iran as soon as possible and start my ideal option among them. other like brothers and sisters. She issued in my name. Within one day,
planning the wedding ceremony. Within three months, they sent me said her only way to relive her child- my wife's kind and pretty face com-
Telling you the truth, when I ar- more than twenty small and big al- hood memories was to talk to him. pletely changed, as if she had trans-
rived in the US, I intended to marry bums full of various photos as well I would give her anything I thought formed from an angel to a demon.
a non-Iranian girl. But after living as three video tapes including all the would make my life partner happy. I will not describe the hardships I en-
here for 14 years and facing realities, candidates via WhatsApp. Among I even arranged for her to send a dured during the process of divorcing
I felt that my beliefs were far away them, there were some pretty girls, monthly amount to her mother so her. I also had to give her a big part
she doesn't have to worry about it
from those of non-Iranian girls. Dur- especially one who was so elegant, anymore. The process of getting the of my savings. But Six months ago, I
ing this time, I became very close spoke warmly and sweetly, and was green card for her went well. To make found out that she married her child-
to one of my classmates in college familiar with all the housekeeping her happier, I bought her a house and hood friend, the man she claimed was
and even fell in love with her, but techniques. The only issue that my registered her name as my secretary like her brother. When I realized that
she was not interested in marriage. mother had a slight problem with in my new company, while she only she had designed and executed all
She told me she would live with me was her family; They were not equal came to the office for a few hours a these plans to get to him, I went crazy.
and love me as long as she wanted, to us in terms of authenticity, wealth, day, did a few tasks, and then left. I walked around the room all night,
but she would not commit to an of- and level of well-being. Strangely, I One day, I saw her phone bill by stamping my feet on the floor in anger.
ficial marriage. The rest of the girls put this girl at the top of my options chance and realized that her bill was Three weeks ago, she called with a
and women I knew did not adhere to and found another girl somewhat suit- about 500 dollars. When I checked, I hoarse voice. She wanted me to for-
the principles I had grown up with. able. After much research, my mother realized that the bill was only for talk- give and accept her. Apparently, her
They were subjected to freedoms that and sisters chose the same girl, and ing to that close relative who was her childhood friend had taken over all
were unacceptable to me. Many may since I could not go to Iran, we de- childhood friend. She was only talk- her property and disappeared with his
agree with those freedoms and have cided to meet in Turkey. I agreed to ing to him. This bothered me a little. American girlfriend. I made her un-
a comfortable life, But I grew up in pay all the girl's travel expenses and That night, I spoke to her about the derstand that her deceptions have hurt
a committed close family. I saw my we met in Istanbul on the first of July. matter. Again she calmly told me that me a lot. Last night my mom wanted
mother as a symbol of decency, pu- As I predicted, Ziba was an ideal she loved that man like her brother. to convince me that not all proxy
rity, loyalty, and perseverance, and I girl. In a short time, she charmed She said she doesn't have close friends marriages are like that, and I wanted
witnessed my sisters' pure and self- me so much that I decided to marry here, she has to talk with someone to let her know that I'm not thinking
less lifestyle. Of course, I could not her there officially, then she would and he is his best friend. I don't know about marriage anymore. In the end,
agree with such standards of freedom. return to Iran, and I would take the why I decided to test her by making none of us fell short of our claim!
Four years ago, when my mother and necessary steps to bring her to the up a fake story. Out of nowhere, I