Page 79 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1888
P. 79
From The Desk Of The Editor ISSUE No. 1888
Nahid speaks on behalf of a group of five people of a couple, we went to one of Turkey's
During a trip to Iran, Bardia neighboring countries, talked to the US
consul, and explained to him what had
deceived all of us and disappeared happened to us. We provided the photos
we took of Bardia with our phones, plus
all the texts and emails. They explained
to us that it is not easy to get such a
visa. But, they promised to talk to the
you there as soon as possible." higher authorities. We waited for about
There was no other way. I had to a month. Until they finally informed
entrust my future to him. Upon us that they would give us a 6-month
our return, he asked me for per- visa. I was not able to contact my par-
mission to go to Shiraz and see ents, but the other girls contacted their
his aunt and then to visit his families, and their fathers came to visit
t was 12 years ago. Roxana, uncles in Isfahan. During this us. One of them talked to my father on
my best friend, informed me time, he took my documents the phone. At first, he was completely
Ithat Bardia, their educated without my parents' knowl-
wealthy former neighbor, had ar- against taking any action, but he finally
rived in Iran from the United States. edge and said that he sent them agreed. They bought us tickets and sent
to the US. What happened to
He had come to choose a good no- you? My mother often asked us money. Our group of five went to the
ble girl in Iran and build his future me. You've changed a lot. US and Roxana returned to Iran.
with her. Have you fallen in love? We did not know where Bardia lived.
"Why are you saying these to me?" Fortunately, an immigration officer
I asked. Have you regretted your de- came to our aid. Since many people
cision to marry your fiancé?
"I don't know anyone around me change their names when they become
more beautiful and noble than you." The fact is, I have no inter- citizens, he found Bardia with his Amer-
est in marrying my suitor,
She replied. "You deserve a glorious ican name. He lived in Los Angeles. We
comfortable life on the other side of I said. There's no under- called our friends in LA. One of them
the seas." standing between us. knew Bardia as a lustful man who preys
Later, I talked to Roxana.
"Do you know that a good suitor pro- on innocent girls in concerts, theaters,
posed to me recently? A civil engineer It seemed to me that she and even parties. He had caused many
was somewhat upset.
from a very noble family." families to break up. Also, having vid-
"Do you love him?" She was giving vague eos and photos of girls, he would abuse
"We have met twice. He seems like a answers to my ques- them in many ways.
righteous man." tions. Until one night We talked to a lawyer in the first week.
"Don't miss this chance. I showed Bar- she called me. "I re- He was so impressed by our life story
dia pictures of you. He liked you very gret introducing you that he promised to pursue the case
much. He said he is looking forward to geth- to him." She said. "There has been a without receiving any money. He said
meeting you. Whenever you want, I will er. Since I'm only conflict between Bardia and his parents. he would collect his wages from Bardia
take you both to a cafe." in Iran for a short time and we need to Some girls have come to his parents' himself at the end.
Roxana informed me three days later get to know each other well, maybe all house with their families. I doubt he is The kind lawyer took us to the prosecu-
that she was waiting for me in a cafe these steps should be done quickly, but still in Iran. He probably returned to the tor and we told him our whole story.
near their house. I did not know what I would like you to join me in this life- US two weeks ago!" Fortunately, Bardia had a big house and
kind of man I would meet. I put on a making experiment with your wisdom I froze in shock. I didn't know what to four fast food branches. "we'll take ev-
light make-up and went there. and cognitive judgment. do; Especially since I was afraid that I erything from him." Our lawyer said.
Bardia got up, shook my hand, and "I've not encountered such logic until was pregnant. It was a disaster. If that "Financial issues are not important to
pulled the chair back for me. His po- today," Roxana said. "What a good way happened, my family and I would be us," I said. "What is important is the
liteness attracted my attention. He had to get to know each other and make a known as a dishonored family. I called punishment of a lewd man who sacri-
a pleasant face, with piercing eyes and definitive decision. I'm happy that you Bardia, but the phone numbers he gave ficed five girls to his lust and then left
long, shiny hair; Just like movie stars. have an understanding with each other me to call him in the US were all discon- them on their own. He is even harassing
"Roxana had praised you, but I never and I can read from Nahid's face that nected. Finally, scared and frustrated, I girls in this country."
thought I would meet such a beautiful she is impressed by your personality as talked to one of the girls who had come It took a month for our trial to begin.
dignified girl." He said, staring at me. well." to Bardia's parents to find him; with the Considering that our visa was just for
I thanked him. I kept my head down and didn't say a help of Roxana. I took her to Roxana's six months, the judge processed our
"Miss Nahid, I came to Iran only with word. But, after that first date, Bardia house. She explained to me that Bardia case more quickly than usual. The day
the idea of marriage." He continued. "It's and I saw each other almost every day. had taken her to the north, had sex with Bardia was forced to face us, he fell
been 15 years since I've been studying Our relationship gradually turned into her, and made various promises to her. on his knees out of fear. His face was
hard and working nonstop away from kissing and talking about love. Until Unfortunately, our efforts to find Bardia spectacular. In the end, when the judge
Iran. During this time, I've not been at- Bardia suggested that we arrange a two- were fruitless. But I did not stop trying. issued a sentence of ten years in prison
tracted to any of the girls from abroad day trip to the north. I had to lie to my I found all those girls within 4 months. and confiscation of all his properties in
and I'm happy that you impressed me in family that I was going on a trip with We promised to take revenge on Bardia favor of us, Bardia fell to the ground like
this first encounter." two of my friends, but I went with Bar- with each other's help. We went to two a stone statue. It was there that we found
We talked a lot. "I have to be frank with dia. On the first night of the journey, he hotels in the north and took copies of all out Afsaneh, one of the girls, was preg-
you," Bardia said. "Until I get to know made me drunk with wine, and I woke the documents that were in his name. nant. The judge helped her get a green
all your characteristics and find out the up the next morning to find myself Several of the girls also had texts and card and stay there.
details of your personality, and you also naked in Bardia's arms. He kissed my emails from him. "I hope one day Bardia will regret his
know me deeply, marriage will certainly shoulder. "You're the one I was looking A few months later, Roxana and I got actions and be a good father to my kid,"
have no meaning. We want to live to- for! I'll call my lawyer in the US this permission from our families to travel Afsaneh said while saying goodbye at
gether for a lifetime and have children. week to go through your visa proce- to Turkey, along with four other de- the airport.
We want to grow wiser, to grow old to- dures before marriage so that I can take ceived girls. There, with the guidance Translation: Massi Zokaei