Page 78 - Javanan Magazine Issue # 1911
P. 78

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1911
                                                                                     Leyla, Dubai
                                                            The day my daughter left home

                                                                                  well. I dreamed about her most nights   condition.  When  Sanaz called,
                                                                                  but I never had a bad dream. I would   I told her what happened. She
                                                                                  see her in my dreams, dancing and   took the hospital's phone number.
                                                                                  singing among the guests in a white   When  we went  to the hospital the
                                                                                  wedding dress, and every time she   next day, the ward nurse came to me.
                                                                                  would come to my arms and kiss me.  "An  American doctor called from
                                                                                  After that incident, I never forgave   abroad." She said. "She spoke to the
                                                                                  my husband. I never reconciled with   hospital officials and the special-
                                                                                  him, but I continued to live with   ist. And, she sent another doctor to
                                                                                  him because of my children. I was   your husband's bedside who came
               Sanaz, my daughter, was an un-                                     looking for an opportunity to find a   from the USA last week. It seems
               usual girl from her childhood.                                     sign of Sanaz and finally meet her.  that important people are trying to
               Once, when his father pushed                                       It was the fourth year away from   perform your husband's surgery."
               me for some reason, Sanaz lashed                                   Sanaz that one day I found a package   I was so confused to hear this news.
               out at him in such a way that                                      in front of the house.  The package   In  four  days,  two  critical surger-
               my  husband  almost  threw  her                                    came from Sanaz and in my name.   ies were performed with the help of
               out of the window in a fit of rage.                                It was full of clothes, perfumes and   the  American doctor and the hos-
               I remember Sanaz was eighteen                                       gifts. In a small letter, a text was   pital's specialist. My husband was
               years old. She had just finished high                       fell   written: Dear Mom, now that Now-  saved  with  their  help.  I  knew  in
               school and was preparing for the next       silent when I saw my   ruz is near, I thought about our last
               year's entrance exam. It was Nowruz   younger daughters worriedly looking                            my heart who had done all this for
               and Sanaz and her two younger sis-  at me. I spent the whole night with   day together. I wanted to express my   us. It  could  not be  anyone  but  my
                                                                                  devotion and love to you. And as I
               ters, Shahnaz and Nazli, had arranged   my husband's ear-splitting shouts.                           daughter Sanaz. but how? How?
               the loveliest Haftsin on the table in   Sanaz  did  not  return  home.  I  spent   promised, I will come to you one day.   It took two weeks for my husband
               the middle of the hall. My husband   all that night, the next day, and the   I took that package inside with tears   to return home. He was also con-
               had also brought some small redfish,   day after that with great apprehen-  and kissed it many times in memory   fused. He did not know who had
               which Sanaz was against. She used to   sion and worry. I called our friends   of my daughter. I did not sleep that   helped us. I didn't say anything to
               say that we kill these fish every year   and family, acquaintances and strang-  night but I had no doubt I would   him at Sanaz's request and attributed
               because we don't care about them.   ers,  neighbors  and  my  daughter's   meet my daughter again. For a long   all the help to my husband's neph-
               The fish were gone before I could do   friends, but no one knew where she   time, I waited for a massage. It was   ews who had been in the US for
               anything; I don't know which run-  was. Finally, I went to the police. I   the eighth year of being away from   years and no one had heard of them.
               ning water Sanaz threw them into.  even hired a private detective with   Sanaz when, like every year, I found   Finally,  after  some  time,  we  got
               That night, we all jumped at the   the help of my brother, but my daugh-  a gift package from Sanaz on the eve   passports and left for Dubai with
               sound of a stone hitting our liv-  ter was lost like a drop in the sea.  of Nowruz. I never understood who   my daughters. On the way to our
               ing  room  window.  Sanaz  went   The news about this incident spread   and when leaves those packages   destination, my tears did not stop.
               to the door and my husband saw    among family and friends. Everyone   behind the door.  That year, Sanaz   "Mom,  why  are  you  cry-
               from the window a young man I     was gossiping about it. Even some of   wrote in a letter: Mom, get ready.   ing?"  the  girls  asked.
               knew was an old friend of Sanaz   Sanaz's friends suggested the possibil-  You have a journey ahead of you.   "It's  from  happiness,"  I  replied.
               in the neighborhood and school.   ity of her suicide. I went to the border   Just get a passport! Don't let Dad   "Not  out of sadness. It's from ex-
               "What do you want?" My hus-       towns and visited our distant relatives   know about this and come with my   citement.  The excitement of see-
               band    shouted.  “Stay   there.  there but I did not find any trace of her.  sisters to the country I will tell you   ing your sister. I don't know how
               who are you?  Why did you         Finally, Sanaz called me one night.   later. I will pay all your travel ex-  she lived alone all these years and
               throw a stone at the window?"     "Mom, I'm not coming back." She   penses. I will be so happy to see you.   now proudly coming to our aid."
               "Do not worry," Sanaz told his fa-  said. "But maybe I'll send you an   I was impatient to meet my daugh-   At the Dubai airport, I was all eyes.
               ther from the front door. "He's   address of mine in the future."   ter. But I didn't know what events   I was looking everywhere for my
               my    friend  Roxana's  brother."  I did not talk to my husband for a   were ahead of me. Was Sanaz mar-  daughter.  When we passed through
               "If you go out, I won't let you   year. He regretted what he had done   ried? Did she study during this time?   the control line, I saw Sanaz in the
               come back." My husband shouted.   because of the family's reprimands   Did she own a business? Could   crowd. It was my tall slender daugh-
               "But dad, he is Firouz," Sanaz said with   and warnings. He wanted to do some-  she have a baby?  All these ques-  ter with her brown hair and kind eyes.
               tears in her eyes. "He is not a stranger."  thing, but it was too late. I also went   tions were always on my mind.  She was shouting my name. I broke
               My husband took the phone from    to Firouz's family. I found out that   My sisters talked to my husband   through the crowd and ran towards
               the table and threw it at Sanaz. “I   they had no news about Firouz. He   and apparently got his consent un-  her. Everyone was looking at us. They
               said what I said. If you go out, you   had been missing for a year and a half.  der the pretext of a girls' trip. But   were also emotional seeing this pas-
               have  no place  in this house.  you're   Two years later, Sanaz started leav-  my husband did not do anything to   sionate moment. At one point, I saw
               a whore.  You're not my daughter."  ing me messages every few months.   get a passport. On the other hand,   Firouz holding twin babies in his arms.
               Sanaz went out of the house and   She would tell me how she missed   Sanaz  was  waiting  and  did not  say
               quickly left with Firouz. My husband   me. She told me not to worry because   anything about our destination.   "Where did they come from?" I asked.
               closed the door. "See what kind of a   she would make me proud one day.   The  day my husband was going   "Ask the doctor!" Firouz answered.
               girl you raised?" He said. "She fits the   I was sure that my daughter was full   to apply for my passport, he had   At that moment, I felt how blessed I was.
               streets." I wanted to say something but   of love and strength. I knew her very   a heart attack. He was not in good
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