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PSYCHOLOGICAL                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1890
                                                                                                                                        ISSUE No. 1856
                               PERSPECTIVES                                                                                             JAVANAN

                               Dr. Alan A.
                              Modarressi                            LOGICAL PERSPECTIVES
                                Clinical and               A SOCIOCULTURAL AND MIND AND BODY OUTLOOK
                                                           In this column, we examine the mental health issues in the context
                                                         of social, culture, and physiological concerns of the Iranian community


                                                       Part 1-How to Stay Focused in a Digital World

                     wandering mind is a com-    The good news, however, is that fo-
                     mon and frustrating experi-  cus is a skill you can cultivate and
               A ence that leaves us unable      improve.  The trick is to train the
               to focus on the task or project at   brain to ignore distractions.
               hand. Some different factors influ-  For at-home workers struggling
               ence one’s cognitive functioning   with distraction, a recent survey re-
               including the ability to concentrate.   vealed that social media is the lead-
               As a result, the overall productivity   ing cause — many reported wast-
               suffers, and stress levels increase.
               Although frustrating, the problem   ing up to two hours a day — with
                                                 children coming in second.  You
               is entirely manageable. Simple life-  can reduce those distracting dings,
               style modifications and other easy
               strategies help us refocus wandering   tweets and rings coming from your
               mind.                             social media feeds, emails and text
                 The digital world that we live in   messages by simply turning off the
               has brought us more distractions and   notifications.
               less ability to gather our thoughts at   If that feels radical, you can at-
               will and focus on the job at hand. A   tempt turning away from technolo-
               New York Times article: "You Can   gy using self-control, but willpower
               Get Focused (Hint: Put Down That   is a limiting resource, it’s unpleasant
               Phone)—Argues that the average    and we’re not willing to do it for
               person’s mind wanders nearly half   very long, so the best thing to do
               the time.                         is create a situation where it’s just
                 The average person’s mind wan-  harder to be distracted.
               ders 47 percent of the time, accord-  A recent research on self-control
               ing to a 2010 Harvard study, so   in teenagers, data showed that the
               nearly half the time you’re doing   farther  away  students  placed  their
               one thing, you’re thinking about   phone while studying, the higher
               something else.  Add the 24-hour   their grades.
               news cycle, the barrage of social   When your focus wanes and you   ting up clear signs so young children   ing the environment in which flow
               media and the countless distractions   feel the urge to online shop or grab   understand when not to interrupt.   can actually happen may mean
               for those working from their bed-  a game of 2048, there are tech tools   Mr. Eyal suggests finding the cra-  clearly articulating boundaries of
               rooms, backyards and walk-in clos-  to prevent your giving in. The Free-  ziest hat you can find — he calls it   your time,” said Sasha Heinz, a de-
               ets — a number that has more than   dom app blocks websites from your   his concentration crown. “When my   velopmental psychologist and life
               quadrupled from 8.2 percent in Feb-  computer  and  smartphone;  Forest   daughter sees me wearing it, I don’t   coach. “Instead of two parents half
               ruary 2020 to 35.2 percent in May   has you set a timer encircling the   need to interrupt my call and explain   working and half taking care of the
               2020, according to research from   image of a tree; if you pick up your   that I’m busy, because she knows   kids, you need to communicate with
               the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas   phone before the time is completed,   the hat means that daddy’s working   your partner and block off time for
               — and it’s no surprise that people   the tree withers and dies.    and can’t be distracted,” he said.  each of you when no interruption is
               are struggling to focus.           Having children  at home when     Distractions can make it impossi-  allowed.”
                 Some experts would argue that   you’re working remotely poses its   ble to find your flow, that state when   In the next article, I will continue
               human attention, not money, is the   own challenges to staying focused.   you are deeply engaged and merged   exploring our step by step tech-
               most valuable commodity there is   Nir Eyal, the author of the book,   with the object of your focus. “For   niques to enhance our concentration
               and it’s the ultimate scarce resource.   “Indistractable,” recommends set-  parents with children at home, creat-  skills.

                        DANESH FOROUGHI, PH.D.                                           Alan Modarressi, PhD, QME
                        Licensed Clinical Psychologist, PSY13680                                Licensed Clinical Psychologist
                Licensed Marriage, Family & Child Psychotherapist, MFC23455                       Qualified Medical Evaluator
                    Certified National Board of Addiction Examiners #4974                       Certified Psychophsychologist
                              Tel: (310) 940-3642                                   Diplomat, American Academy of Pain Management
                   15720 Ventura Blvd., Second Fl. #224 Encino CA 91436             (818) 501-6080            (562) 861-7226

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