Page 79 - Javanan Issue #1892.indd
P. 79

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1890
                                                                        Faizi from Iran                             that maybe this time I would come back
                                                    The fake educational insti-                                     with Afsaneh. As soon as I arrived, I

                                                        tute took my daughter                                       went to that hotel. The hotel was located
                                                                                                                    in  an  unsafe  area  with  strange  suspi-
                                                         to the brink of death!                                     cious people going in and out of there.
                                                                                                                    I went into the hotel. "Have you
                                                                                                                    booked?" Someone asked me.
                                                                                      Your daughter will go to universi-  I showed him  Afsaneh's photo. "I'm
                                                                                       ty and stay in the dormitory from   looking for this girl," I said.
                                                                                       the second week of next month."  He stared at me. “You better leave. We
                                                                                       Afraid of the consequences of   are not looking for trouble here."
                                                                                        the delay, I deposited the re-  I came out of there with my heart beat-
                                                                                        quested amount the next morn-  ing fast in my chest. I sat in an old coffee
                    eading the report of lost                                           ing and waited for further   house in front of the hotel and watched
                    Iranian women in Turkey,                                             emails. But for two weeks,   the hotel doors intently.  Within six
              Rprompted me to send you                                                   there was no news from them.   hours, I had about 60 cups of tea. My
               the painful story of my 25-year-old                                       We sent an email to the site,   eyes were blurry, my heart was beating
               daughter. I know that this magazine                                       but it was closed. We went to   and I felt nauseous. Suddenly, I saw a
               is read online not only by Iranians                                        the Istanbul police. we went   woman who had a face similar to my
               abroad,  but  also  by  thousands  of                                      to speak to the university.   Afsaneh, but was very skinny and bro-
               people in Iran.                                                            No one knew the institution.   ken. A man was helping her to walk. I
               The story of Afsaneh, my daughter,                                          We did not sleep that night   fell to the ground twice trying to reach
               started about four and a half years                                         and my daughter cried until   them.  When I got to them, I quickly
               ago. My daughter was looking to                                             morning.  We felt like we   took Afsaneh's hand.
               study abroad. My brother in London                                           were the victims of a huge   She turned to me. "Who are you?" She
               tried hard to make this happen, but un-                                      scam. We called Iran and   said in Turkish. Unexpectedly, the man
               fortunately, it didn't work out. One day,                                    explained the matter to the   punched me in the face. My face was
               Afsaneh informed me that a big online                                         police. Why did you take   full of blood.
               educational institution helps those inter-                                    such an action without   As if she had regained her senses, Af-
               ested in studying in the USA. She said                                        any valid information?   saneh pushed the man and came to-
               unlike others who only promise and do                                         they blamed us.        wards me. "Daddy!" she shouted. "Why
               nothing, they get admission from the                                           Finally, I asked my   did you come here? I wanted this place
               best US universities within two years.                                         failed caravan to return   to be my grave."
               "This institution provides this possibil-                                      to Iran.              I hugged my daughter, who was shaking
               ity through legal steps." She said.                                            "I won't come back un-  badly, and took her to the same hotel we
               "How?" I asked.                                             tan-   der any circumstances," Afsaneh said.   were in before. As soon as we entered,
               “I'll have to read the whole rules in their     bul University.    "I'll be ashamed in front of friends and   she fell on the bed and almost passed
               site tonight, you know. We've to pay 150   The further we went, the more we be-  acquaintances."     out.
               dollars even to read and fill out the ques-  lieved in the validity of the institution.   "What are you going to do in this coun-  I stayed awake until the next morn-
               tionnaire."                      We regularly confirmed their emails and   try?" I asked.            ing. I wish no parent experiences such
               "Don't waste time. If you think it's a   sent them the necessary documents. Out   "I'll find a job and become a refugee. I'll   moments in their life.  When the first
               reliable institution, we'll arrange this   of love for my daughter and her future,   go Europe or the US."  sunlight brightened the room, Afsaneh
               tonight."                        I immediately paid for the 4-month stay   We had an intense argument. The next   opened her eyes. She suddenly jumped
               I told myself that an institution that asks   in the dormitory. We received an email   morning when we woke up, there was   up and ran to the door. "I didn't want you
               for only 150 dollars instead of asking   that even had pictures of my daughter's   no news of Afsaneh. For two weeks, we   to see me like this." She said. "I've been
               for several thousand dollars and goes   room in the dormitory with the possibil-  looked for her and waited. Going to the   dead for a long time. I just walk and
               through legal procedures, must be expe-  ity of using the restaurant and gym.   police did not get us anywhere. Disap-  breathe for no reason."
               rienced and reliable.            Two months later, I went to Istanbul   pointed and defeated, my wife and I re-  She told me that a smuggler took all her
               That night, we deposited 150 dollars   with my wife and daughter. We were   turned to Iran.          money and boarded a boat with 150 oth-
               into their account. The site was set up   waiting to receive new instructions   After that, no matter how hard we tried,   er people to take them to Germany. But
               based on accurate information; Among   when an e-mail came telling us that   we could not contact  Afsaneh. Even   halfway the boat sank and ten people
               other things, if one of the family mem-                            though I went to Istanbul twice in one   died. Those who were saved have been
               bers was a cultural applicant, she would   we should go to one of the university   year, I didn't get any sign of her.   returned to Turkey.
               have a 15 percent discount. It was ex-  departments so that the work could be   About eight months ago, an old ac-  "I worked in a restaurant, I worked in
               plained on the site: the applicant must   done there. We went to the department   quaintance called me.  a factory, I had to live with an old Arab
               go to Istanbul and enroll in the universi-  and a lady told us that she received our   "Where is Afsaneh?" he asked.  man and then I arrived at this hotel." She
               ty. Within two years, all her educational   request via email. They gave us a ques-  "She went abroad to study," I said.  said. "I wish you'd let me die here."
               qualifications will be sent to the best   tionnaire to fill out and we went back   "Are you sure?"    For three days, I strengthened her with
               universities and the possibility of admis-  to the hotel. I was a little confused as   "Why do you ask?"  medicine and food and gave her hope.
               sion with the benefit of scholarships will   to why there was a need to fill out the   "I'm sorry to say this, but I saw a lady   Finally, despite her resistance, we re-
               be provided. Finally, after two years, the   questionnaire again.  with Afsaneh's features in an infamous   turned  to  Iran.  When we entered the
               applicant will go to the USA to study.   That night, a man called and said he   hotel."              house, Afsaneh fell to her knees in front
               Half of the tuition fees at Istanbul Uni-  was from the institute. "Did you get the   "Where? Give me the address."  of her mother and passed out. We had
               versity must be paid in advance. The rest   questionnaire?" he asked.  "I'll text you."              to take her to the hospital. After all this
               will be paid by the university when the   "Yes."                   The phone fell from my hand. I felt sick   time, she still doesn't feel normal and
               scholarship comes. In addition, the cost   "You don't need to fill it out. We have   and we went to the hospital that night.   spends the nights crying until the morn-
               of staying in the dormitory for 4 months   done it for you. You must pay the ex-  I did not tell my wife what happened.   ing.
               must be paid. The rest will be paid by Is-  penses of the first 6 months in advance.   Soon, I left for Turkey under the pretext   Translation: Massi Zokaei
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