Page 79 - Javanan Issue #1899_Neat
P. 79
From The Desk Of The Editor ISSUE No. 1896
Soheila from Tehran East at the end of the month. But the
As a mother, I never price is high."
"I'll pay whatever it is."
despaired of finding my son At the end of the month, I went on a
tour to China and then to Thailand.
I went to the police there. With the
help of a young Iranian boy, I ex-
plained to them that my son had
I fell to the ground. Several been stolen by a smuggler. The po-
people came to help me. They lice officer looked at me in surprise.
made me sleep on a bench and "You must give us the name and
brought me food, water, and badge of the smuggler." He said.
tea. I felt a little better. But my "I have nothing from him," I said.
pain was getting more and "So don't waste your time and mon-
more with every passing mo- ey. Go back to your country."
20 years ago, I handed over ment. I was talking to my- I started crying.
my 16-year-old son Saeed to self. I was cursing myself "Give me your son's name and pho-
a smuggler to take to his uncle that if Saeed had stayed in to." He said. "Give me your phone
in Pakistan; All in fear of forced Iran, I would have always number in Tehran as well. Maybe I
military service, addiction, and been by his side, taking can find a trace."
participation in street fights. His care of him and not letting The young Iranian translator told me
uncle was supposed to take him such a tragedy happen. that I should pay that officer.
to the USA from there. After about three weeks, "How much?" I asked.
At the time of saying goodbye I returned to Iran empty- “At least 200 dollars. Maybe it'll
near the border of Pakistan, Saeed handed. My husband help."
hugged me so tight and was cry- did not talk to me for I returned to Iran empty-handed
ing so much that I regretted it for two months. Finally, I again. One more time, all my ef-
a few minutes and wanted to take went to the police. I told forts were fruitless. In four years, I
him back with me. But I remem- them the story. While was hospitalized three times. My
bered my niece who had been in blaming, yelling, and heart was severely weakened and
prison for three years following insulting me, they said I had nervous problems. I was not
a street fight and his parents were they would try to find even eating properly. My husband
grieving day and night. He had com- him. One of the offi- divorced me and left. I used to walk
mitted suicide two weeks ago. cers pulled me aside. in a big 4-bedroom house day and
At that moment, I looked up to the "You've done a fool- night, talking to myself. I did not
sky. "God, I entrust this boy to you," ish thing," he said. interact with anyone. It was as if I
I said. "I don't know if I did the right "But it's better not to had turned into a ghost. All my fam-
thing or not. I'm just worried about worry yourself. You ily members were avoiding me. But
his future." events must have hope. Maybe one day he I was not disappointed yet. I knew
I waited four days in a small village in this region." They will knock on your door and return that my son was trapped in a corner
near the border to hear from Saeed answered. home." of the world and was waiting for me
but did not receive any messages. The next morning, I went to Islam- I tried to be like that but I couldn't. to save him.
I called my husband. "My brother abad on a bus that was like hell in- After three years, the thought of go- One day, in the height of despair,
called from Pakistan." He said. side. I found a room in a clean hotel ing to Pakistan came to my mind. A when I was about to swallow all
"They haven't handed over Saeed to and was relieved of the cockroaches, year later, Saeed called one night. my sleeping pills and kill myself,
Out of excitement, I dropped the
him yet." mosquitoes, and lizards on the bus. phone and broke it. Fortunately, he the home phone rang. I picked up
If I had the power, I would cross the I visited cafes and restaurants that called again. the phone. A man spoke in English.
border right there and go after my I thought must be the headquarters "Where are you?" I shouted. He kept mentioning Saeed's name.
son, but I knew it was impossible. of smugglers and showed my son's "Heydar planted opium in my From the window of the house, I
I returned home worried and called photo to several people. "Who did clothes." Saeed answered. "He said, called Kourosh, the neighbor's son.
my brother-in-law crying. "Some- you entrust your son to?" one of 'We have to go to Bangkok, Thai- Kourosh came in a hurry and took
thing must have happened." He said. them asked. land.' He said, 'Your mother called the phone. He wrote a few words on
"Otherwise, according to our agree- "Heydar," I answered. and informed me that your uncle the paper.
ment, I should've picked up Saeed a He laughed. "You should thank God is waiting for you in Bangkok.' He "What happened?" I shouted. "Is
few hours later." if he hasn't killed your son yet. Hey- said, 'We'll take these to pay for your Saeed dead?"
We talked on the phone for a week, dar is a cruel heartless animal." trip.'" "No," Kourosh said. "This man said
but the news was still disappointing. I couldn't sleep anymore at night. "Where are you now?" that he took Saeed's photo and your
Contacting the Pakistani police was I called my husband several times. "In prison." Then the phone was phone number years ago. Now he
also fruitless. Finally, my brother-in- He would hang up the phone in an- disconnected. I started pacing the says that Saeed is in prison and you
law returned to the US. Despite my ger. He was right. He never agreed rooms and talking to myself non- can get him free by paying money.
husband's wishes, I left for Pakistan with Saeed and me leaving. stop. My husband was angry with But Saeed is not in his right mind
with a small suitcase. With the guid- I asked the same man who had in- my actions. "I'm going on a trip and and does not know anyone."
ance of a family, I went to Taftan formation about the smugglers for won't be back for two months," he Twelve days later I was in Thailand.
town and explored the surroundings Heydar's address and phone num- shouted. Then he closed the door 24 hours after that, in a half-dark
for a few days. There I met a couple ber. He gave me his phone number. and left. prison, I finally reunited with my
who had Iranian roots and spoke I called Heydar right away. When he I felt like I had no help, no support. I son. He had his head between his
Persian. I told them the story of answered the phone, I recognized began pacing and crying until morn- legs. "Saeed," I shouted. "My baby.
my son. They said many traffickers his voice. It was him. ing. The next morning, I called my It's me, your mother."
abandon children or even sell them. "What did you do to my son?" I nephew who worked in a travel My son jumped up. I couldn't be-
Hearing these made my body and asked him. agency. "Do you have a tour of lieve that he was my Saeed. He was
mind freeze. At that moment I could "Your son was rebellious." he an- Bangkok?" I asked. left with nothing but skin and bones.
not even stand. swered "He ran away from me. I He laughed. "Are you kidding me, He seemed to have aged 20 years.
"What city is usually the center of looked but I couldn't find him." Aunty?" He said. When he fell into my arms, I could
smugglers?" I asked. I shouted at Heydar as loud as I "No. I want to go after Saeed." hear his bones moving.
"Islamabad is the crossroads of could. While my tears were flowing, "We have a 20-day tour of the Far Translation: Massi Zokaei