Page 78 - Javanan Issue #1898.indd
P. 78

From The Desk Of The Editor                                                                                             ISSUE No. 1896
                                                                 Iraj from Washington                               I tried to welcome her as normally as I
                                                      "If you hadn't told me, a disaster                            could. "I wanted to invite you to come
                                                                                                                    and stay at my apartment," I told her af-
                                                  would have happened," my mother said                              ter a while. "But I recently got engaged."
                                                                                                                    She was surprised and a little shocked.
                                                                                                                    "I'm always late for everything." She
                                                                                                                    said. "This is my bad luck. It's OK."
                                                                                      ers' behavior.                After that, she sat for an hour. Then, she
                                                                                       I suggested to Manijeh that she   hurriedly said goodbye and left. I was
                                                                                       apply for a USA visa and told her   confused for an hour. But then, I tried
                                                                                       that I would help her. She said   to occupy myself with something else.
                                                                                        she prefers to stay in Iran for   That night, my mother  called after a
                                                                                        now because in her patriarchal   long time to ask how I was. I told her the
                 don't want to introduce myself                                         family, her two younger sisters   story of Manijeh. She was very happy.
                 as a wise experienced man, but                                          have no support and she wants
              I since I left Iran with my mother                                         to stay with them until their   She told me to get her name and address
               when I was 7 years old, I lived and                                                                  and let my aunts get information about
               studied in Turkey for 5 years, stud-                                      graduation. When I asked her   her.
               ied and worked in Germany for 14                                           more questions about her   I gave all the information I had to my
               years, and then moved to the USA,                                          family, Manijeh kept silent.   mother. The next morning, I talked to
               I started a successful business there                                      So I never asked her any-  Manijeh. "I want to meet you in Dubai
               and during these years, I traveled to                                       thing about her family again.   or Turkey," I said.
                                                                                                                    "I'm looking forward to seeing you too."
               4 continents and 10 countries, I in-                                        While Jila would joke and   She said. "I wish to bring my two sisters
               evitably became an experienced man.                                         talk recklessly and even   with me in any way possible."
               Over the years I have become friends                                         showed me her beautiful   Two weeks later, we set a date to meet
               with two young women, one from Ja-                                           body a few times, Manijeh   in Turkey and I started preparing for the
               pan and one from Panama. But none of                                         was very reserved and se-  trip.
               them were intellectually and culturally                                       rious. She would still call   On the day Manijeh informed me that
               compatible with me, and for that reason,                                      me Mr. Iraj. She believed   she was going to Turkey with her sisters
               I did not get married despite my love for                                     that until the task of our   in 4 days, my mother called me. She
               marriage and having children.                                                  future  life  together  is   was panting on the phone.
               Before moving to the US, I always had                                          clarified, it is better to   "What's wrong Mom?" I asked.
               my mother by my side. But then in                                              keep our relationship   "If you hadn't called me," she said. "If
               Germany, a retired Austrian man who                         the    at the level of normal conversation and   you didn't give the details of that girl, a
               needed a companion and a patient nurse        manners, hospitality,   discussion about the issues of the day   big disaster would have happened."
               married my mother and took her to Aus-  and kindness of all family members;   and our future desires and ideals.   "Tell me, what happened, Mom? What
               tria. When I saw that my mother was   grandparents, my friend and his wife,   When I was in a relationship with Jila,   disaster?"
               happy, I entrusted her to her new life   and their three teenage sons. On the   she once asked me for a loan of five   "Manijeh is your sister, from another
               and her new husband. My mother had   same night, the grandmother suggested   thousand  dollars.  I made  excuses  and   mother."
               talked to me about my father before. He   I choose an Iranian wife.   did not pay her. But on the other hand,   My breath caught in my chest. "Is this
               was a violent insensitive man who used   Later, I went to their parties several   when Manijeh informed me that her   true?" I asked.
               to beat her. For these reasons, my mater-  times. I met many girls there, but I felt   sister needed an operation, I offered   "Yes." She said.
               nal grandfather, who was an influential   that they were more mixed with the   her any financial or non-financial help   "I was supposed to meet Manijeh and
               powerful man, helped my mother di-  American culture and not similar to   I could. I also told her that I would be   her sisters in Turkey."
               vorce him and sent us abroad with some   the grandmother's point of view. These   happy to help. She thanked me and told   My mother kept silent for a while. "Go.
               money to join my uncle in Canada. But   visits made me receive phone num-  me that there was no need for my help.   Be sure to go there. Save that girl and
               my mother's brother refused to accept   bers, photos, and videos of girls inside   One evening I was lying on the couch in   your other sisters. Help them in any way
               us. I want nothing to do with you, he   Iran. These communications continued   my apartment watching a movie when   you can. You have three sisters now."
               said.                            through social networks such as Face-  the doorbell rang. I looked out from be-  My tears were flowing. I had never ex-
               Then, we started wandering in different   book. I was chatting with about 12 girls   hind the small window and saw a wom-  perienced such a feeling. I went to Tur-
               countries. However, I achieved many   regularly. Some of them were even   an behind the door.        key without saying a word to Manijeh.
               successes with my mother's round-the-  more modern than the girls living here.   "Hello? Who's there?" I asked.  With my insistence, she let me book
               clock encouragement. She thought I   A few of them were very progressive   "A newly arrived guest," she answered  two rooms in a hotel. I went there and
               was a genius. The reason for that was   and daring. I was confused as to what   "Who are you?"       entered the hotel. my whole being was
               my ability to quickly learn different lan-  to do. About six months passed and I   "I'm Jila."       filled with excitement as soon as I
               guages, from Kurdish in Iran to Turkish   decided that I liked two of those girls   I froze in place. I opened the door and   saw Manijeh. I went to her. While she
               in Turkey and German in Germany, as   more. Manijeh was a psychologist and   she came in. She hugged me and kissed   was trying not to get too close to me, I
               well as excelling in elementary and high   the other one, Jila, was a civil engineer.   my face.     hugged her tightly in front of her sisters'
               school, college, and several universities.   Both were very kind, intelligent, and in-  "Are you happy to see me?" she asked.  astonished eyes.
               Since my mother had shown me a bad   dependent. Both of them said that they   "Sure," I answered. "How did you come   "What?" she asked in astonishment.
               image of my father, I changed my name   decide for themselves and the family   here? How did you find my address?"  "You are my dear sisters," I answered.
               and my life path as soon as I became an   has no involvement in the matter. Mani-  “I'm here for 15 days on an expensive   "You mean you are our missing brother
               American citizen. One day, I was invit-  jeh said that she was going to leave her   tour with my temporary fiancé. And I   Iraj?" Her eyes were full of tears. Then
               ed to an Iranian colleague's house on the   family soon and live alone because she   found your address through your Face-  they all fell into my arms.
               occasion of Nowruz. I was impressed by   could not tolerate his parents and broth-  book friends."           Translation: Massi Zokaei
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