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 delight in the Earl Grey TEAmartini originally created by Audrey Saun- ders in 2000 at Bemelmans Bar at the Carlyle, New York City.  e Earl Grey TEAmartini presents a jewelled white foam with a curl of citrus.  e citrus is a pefect complement to the bergamot. Earl Grey tea is the second most pop- ular tea, which, legend has it, was giv- en to the Earl of Grey as a thank you from a Chinese Mandarian for saving his son. Black oxydized tea scented with the oil of Bergamot, a citrus plant grown in Cyprus.
TEAmartini is a smooth, luxurious blend of citrus lemon notes with the dryness of the vodka. My lips loved the  u y egg white as a resting place for my palate in between sips.  e
tea added an extra depth of mellow- ness and smoothness.  e liquor was sublime-just the right taste of sweet, sourness and of course, tea. I was ser- enaded by the rhythmic shaking of a cocktail shaker in the background, as my thoughts were carried away from the hectic day. Freshness is the key with hand squeezed juices and tinc- tures, but more important is the crea- tion and care taken with each order.
Simply put, the Pegu Club is a refuge for the body, soul and a great drinking club, much like the original bars of the 1800’s.

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