Page 5 - Mission PRC Leisure Guide Fall 2024 Winter 2025
P. 5


                           STAY HOME IF YOU'RE SICK                                NO MOTORIZED SCOOTERS

                           Sharing is not always caring, especially                ON DECK
                           when it comes to germs. If you are                      Non-motorized scooters and wheelchairs*
                           not well or have experienced diarrhea                   permitted.
                           recently, please stay home.                             *Available upon request.

                           LOCK UP YOUR                                            PHOTOGRAPHIC DEVICES

                           PERSONAL ITEMS                                          Respect others when creating memories of
                           Bags are recommended to be locked up or                 your pool experience. Ensure photos contain
                           left at your own risk on the viewing deck.              your group only. Use of electronic devices is
                           Bags are not permitted on the pool deck.                not permitted in change room areas.

                           SHOWER                                                  STROLLERS, CARTS

                           Before you swim & after you sauna/                      AND WAGONS
                           steam room have a cleansing shower                      All items must be kept on the viewing deck.
                           to help keep our pools clean. Personal
                           grooming products, daily dirt and other
                           contaminants affect water quality and                   PREVENT POOL FOULING
                           impacts community health.                               All swimmers are encouraged to visit
                                                                                   the washroom before entering the
                           WEAR PROPER ATTIRE                                      pools. Proper attire for infants, toddlers,
                                                                                   and individuals with incontinence is
                           Proper bathing attire is required in our                important to contain accidental fouling
                           pool areas:                                             the pool water. Contaminants affect
                              ■ swim shorts                                        water quality and impact community
                              ■ one or two piece suits - full body suits           health. Swim diapers are available for
                              should be snug fitting and made of a                 purchase at reception.
                              lightweight lycra fabric
                              ■ rash guards                                        WATER BOTTLE USE IN
                              ■ life jackets                                       SAUNA & STEAM ROOM

                           WEAR DECK SHOES OR                                      Water bottles are not permitted inside the
                                                                                   sauna or steam room. Water fountain is
                           GO BAREFOOT                                             available on the pool deck. Glass bottles are
                                                                                   not permitted within the pool facility.
                           Anything that ends up on the deck ends up
                           in the pools. Please change into clean deck
                           shoes or walk barefooted for your visit.                CHANGE ROOMS
                                                                                   Parents, guardians and support workers
                                                                                   are asked to use the universal change room
                                                                                   when assisting children, youth or adults of a
                                                                                   different gender over 6 years of age.

                     Children under 7 must be within arms' reach of an adult accompanying them in the water
                     at all times while swimming at our facility.

                                                                                        FALL 2024 + WINTER 2025
                                                                                        F A L L 2 02 4 + W IN TE R 2 025  5
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