Page 4 - GP Spring 2018
P. 4
From the President
Brian Ciporin, DDS members. For our dental students, we provide programs and pre-
sentations at their schools at no cost. These are taught by top rung
I am ready to begin my term as your NYSAGD presenters. Some programs are “Lunch and Learns” with food
President. I would like to begin by thanking provided. Student chapters have opened at NYU, Columbia and
the NYSAGD board and members for the trust Buffalo.
they have placed in me. It is truly an honor to
serve this fine organization and its members. We have reduced course fees for our members. We are in the pro-
I hope to maintain the high standards that my cess of planning a two day presentation event where up to 16 hours
predecessor, Dr. James Keenan, has set. of continuing education can be obtained for Fellowship and licen-
My history with the NYSAGD began in 1999
when I first joined. That was the year that I Our website has been updated to be more user friendly. It is easier
started down the road to my AGD Fellowship, which I received to navigate and find our courses. The Academy has become more
in 2005. A year later I joined the NYSAGD Board of Trustees. involved with social media. Our Facebook “likes” have doubled
I served as chair of Dental Education from 2006 to 2015 when this past year. I am hoping to double them again in the next few
I stepped down to become vice president. My committee and I months. Please “like” us on Facebook. Also, not to forget, our logo
arranged over 80 presentations over those years. We had many out- has been enhanced and we have gone through a rebranding at Na-
standing speakers on just about every topic in dentistry. tional AGD.
I have been an AGD delegate to the National Meeting for the past I welcome members to contact me at our headquarters in White-
ten years. It has been an honor to represent the New York Academy stone, Queens. (718-747-3353). Ms. Paula Bostick, our executive
of General Dentistry and help shape AGD policy. I have been a director, will forward any messages to me. I will promptly respond
dentist for 34 years. My one small regret is that I did not join the to you.
AGD upon graduation from dental school.
I appreciate comments, suggestions, and criticisms. Your input is
My goal for the upcoming year is to increase membership as well encouraged to help the NYSAGD become an improved, enhanced,
as attendance at our courses. The aim is to increase value for our and more member friendly organization.
From the President-Elect
Karthilde Appolon, DDS tist to leader.” The first day of the symposium featured presen-
tations from industry professionals providing interactive training
Luck. sessions on leadership skills and insights, how to influence others,
and strategies for the visionary leader. The goal was to give mem-
Roman philosopher Seneca once said, “Luck bers the tools to lead AGD’s future by learning the true meaning
is what happens when preparation meets op- of leadership, identifying one’s strengths, and building confidence
portunity.” This is one of my favorite quotes as a leader. During the second day of the symposium, presenta-
of all time. As a general dentist, I feel that tions were given by AGD leaders and staff focusing on develop-
dental school prepared me by granting me ing skills necessary to run our local constituent. There were ses-
the license to learn. The Academy of Gener- sions that discussed topics such as: advocacy, print and online
al Dentistry has provided me with opportunity to soar. communication methods, membership diversity, and recruitment.
AGD provides its members with the resources, support, and inspi- I am grateful for having had such an opportunity. Leadership skills
ration needed to achieve professional and personal excellence. In are a fundamental key element for success within any organiza-
2016, I had the opportunity to attend the AGD Leadership Devel- tion. Having been an attendee at the leadership symposium is one
opment Symposium. This course had the most profound impact on of the many reasons why I feel extremely lucky to be a member of
me as a board of trustees member and practice owner.
the AGD. It is humbling and a privilege to serve as president-elect
The symposium was an intense two day seminar hosted by the of this organization. I am looking forward to serving this extraor-
Regional Directors. It was designed to identify and sharpen the dinary group of professionals.
participants’ basic leadership traits as one, “Transitions from den- l Spring 2018 l GP 4