Page 8 - GP Spring 2018
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it can also be seen that she has posterior in the crossover position. The patient’s References
balancing contacts at the same lateral ability to smoothly translate throughout all 1.
crossover position on both the right and excursions without locking was verified onward-home/
and then double checked with 40 micron 2. Dawson, P. E.: Evaluation, diagnosis, and
thick articulating paper. Both anterior and treatment of Occlusal Problems, St. Louis,
1974, The C.V. Mosby Company.
posterior teeth were then highly polished 3. The World Book Encyclopedia: 12:194,
(Figure 18). Upon examination, the patient USA, 1973, Field Enterprises Educational
remarked that her newly restored teeth Corporation.
looked just as they had when she had been
younger, before she’d begun to wear them Dr. Teitelbaum is a
down. Master in the Academy
of General Dentstry,
Fellow in the American
College of Dentists,
Figure 16. Posterior teeth causing and President of the
balancing interferences in lateral Greater New York
excursions. Academy of Cosmetic
Dentistry. He was a Clinical Research
Associates evaluator for 18 years, who
taught for 8 years at NYU College of
Dentistry, where he attended the post-
graduate program in prosthodontics
Figure 18. Central incisors repaired after receiving his DMD from the
University of Pennsylvania School of
and the enamel is temporarily lighter due Dental Medicine. He lectures across the
to dehydration. country on various topics in cosmetic
dentistry. He is the author of numerous
Financial Considerations articles in professional publications,
Figure 17. Posterior teeth causing and has a mostly cosmetic practice in
balancing interferences in lateral Therefore, it is important to understand Briarcliff Manor, NY. He can be reached
how mechanical forces effect occlusion
excursions. throughout the envelope of function, and at
in all aspects of restorative dentistry. In
left (Figures 16, 17). This balancing tripod the cases shown here, it was critical to first
effect most likely contributed to excessive understand the cause
force long-term on the anterior teeth of the problems
which, unable to take the load, eventually before attempting
fractured. There is no composite material to fix them. Had the
stronger than enamel, the hardest substance teeth in question
in the human body. Her balancing contacts been repaired 2018 NYSAGD’S Recruit-a-Member Contest
enabled the patient to develop enough force without regard to
to fracture enamel, so it is only reasonable the occlusal forces Let’s face it - we all know that AGD is the BEST dental orga-
to assume that she would be able to fracture on them that had nization for general dentists, right? Who else is going to repre-
any composite replacement in a much caused the fractures, sent us and advocate for our rights? A world without AGD is
shorter period of time. there is no question simply unthinkable for general dentists.
that the repairs
Initial attempts, therefore, were to would have been In celebration of our 50th year as an AGD Constituent, the
eliminate the posterior contacts in the short lasting, indeed. NYSAGD is sponsoring a contest to see who can recruit the
locking crossover position. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, this most new members. Simply recruit as many qualifying new
this only shortened her vertical dimension kind of diagnosis members to AGD who will be NYSAGD members by Decem-
in this position, deepening the anterior and meticulous ber 31, 2018. The three members who recruit the most new
overlap into the fracture. The only way, treatment requires members win!
then, to eliminate excessive forces caused substantially more
by the posterior contacts was to build up time throughout all First Prize – Apple Watch Series 3 (38mm) GPS and Cellular
the fractured incisal edges, creating an phases of treatment. Second Prize – $100 American Express Gift Card
anterior guidance with a class three lever Spending more Third Prize – $50 American Express Gift Card
system. time per patient The NYSAGD’s Recruit-a-Member Contest runs from April 1,
obviously translates 2018 through December 31, 2018. Please refer to “NYSAGD’s
After selecting a shade, initally tooth into not being able Recruit-a-Member Contest Rules and Eligibility” for complete
#9, then tooth #8 (separately) were first to physically treat as details. Good luck!
bevelled, sandblasted, etched, and bonded many patients and
with a hydrophilic bonding system. They should be accounted
were then incrementally built up and cured for in the financial
with matching shaded composites until the cost of the treatment
posterior cusps were no longer contacting rendered. l Spring 2018 l GP 8