Page 10 - GP Spring 2018
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Traumatic ulcers                     drugs called Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors:  References
        Geographic tongue                    Glyset (Miglitol) and Precose (Acarbose).   1. 2017  White  Paper by University of California,
        Burning mouth syndrome                                                    Berkeley  School  of Public  Health.  Suneil  Koliwad,
        Fissured tongue                      With the recognition of hypoglycemia, the   MD., PhD. 2017.
                                                                                  2. Diabetes and the Dental Patient: John Hardeman,
        Benign migratory glossitis           common use of orange juice (fructose) or   MD, DDS, Dentistry Today, May 2017, pages 111-
        Lichen planus                        candy (sucrose) will not reverse the altered   114.
        Angular cheilitis                    consciousness and, may, in fact, result in   3.  Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention.  Na-
        Delayed healing                      the patient  going into a full loss of con-  tional diabetes statistics report, 2017. Centers for Dis-
                                                                                  ease Control and Prevention website.
        Hypo-salivation                      sciousness (LOC).                    diabetes/pdfs/data/statistics/national-diabetes-sta-
                                                                                  tistics-report.pdf  (PDF, 1.3 MB) . Updated  July, 18
        Periodontal  disease in diabetic  patients  This is because these medications act by   2017. Accessed August 1, 2017.
        may be more severe and progress more rap-  prolonging the time for the breakdown of   4. Rao SS: Impaired Glucose Tolerance and impaired
        idly due to the associated impaired immu-  fructose and sucrose.  Therefore,  the best   fasting glucose,  Amer Fam Physician 69:1961-
        nity and healing challenges.  This is due, in  form of sugar to give to patients on these   5. Teeuw, W. (2017) Periodontitis as a possible early
        part, to the hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis  medications is “Glucose Gel.” This should   sign of Diabetes  Mellitus;  British Medical  Journal:
        that  changes the phagocytosic  activity  of  be in the emergency kit of all dentists.   Open Diabetes  Research  and Care 2017;5:e000326.
        the macrophages and the chemotactic  ef-                                  doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2016-000326.
                                                                                  6. Taubes, G. (2017) The Case Against Sugar: Alfred
        fect of polymorphonuclear neutrophils. 9  Diabetic patients in an altered conscious-  A. Knopf, New York.
                                             ness state may be difficult to reason with   7. Economic cost of Diabetes in the U.S.,  Diabetes
        As dentists, we have a unique opportunity  (due to the lack of glucose going to the   Care, 2013:36;1033-1046, June, 1, 2013.
        to  detect  these  many  early  warning  signs  brain) and, as such, you must be firm and   8. Personal communication with Dr. Tom Viola at the
        that may lead to an early diagnosis and now,  assertive with their taking the Glucose gel   GNYDM on Nov. 26, 2017.
                                                                                  9. The American Academy of Oral Medicine: Diabe-
        with the addition of this new code for in-of-  or other forms of sugar. You may consider   tes Mellitus. March 3, 2017.
        fice testing for A1c, an even greater oppor-  saying, “Take this now and we can argue   10. Vasconcelos BC, Prevalence  of oral mucosa le-
        tunity to help in the fight against diabetes.   later.”                   sions in Diabetic patients: a preliminary study: Braz J
                                                                                  Otorhinolaryngol 2008;74:423-428.
        Three important considerations  when  Having  a  heightened  index  of  suspicion
        treating diabetic patients:          when a diabetic patient is exhibiting signs      After  graduating from
                                             and symptoms of hypoglycemia is critical         New    York  University
        1) Hypoglycemia Unawareness          to preventing a crisis situation from devel-     College  of Dentistry  in
        Over time, repeated episodes of hypoglyce-  oping. If a diabetic patient exhibits an al-  1978, Dr. Daniel G. Pom-
        mia can lead to hypoglycemia unawareness.  tered consciousness and is given sugar in   pa completed  a General
        The body and brain no longer produce signs  a form that is consistent with their medica-  Practice  Residency  at
        and symptoms that warn of low blood sug-  tion and history, a blood sugar level should   Long Island Jewish Hos-
        ar, such as sweating, shakiness, or irregular  be taken. If the patient and the dentist are   pital, followed by special-
        heartbeats. When this happens, the risk of  comfortable  then the dental  treatment  for   ty training in Oral and Maxillofacial
        severe, life-threatening hypoglycemia is in-  that visit may proceed. However, if a lon-  Surgery at Lincoln Hospital, New York
        creased. If this occurs in the dental office,  ger procedure is scheduled, then consider-  Medical College. In 1982, he became a
        it can be a crisis as the dentist has no warn-  ation should be given for a more complex   Fellow of The American Association of
        ing of the impending hypoglycemic event  carbohydrate like peanut butter and crack-  Oral and  Maxillofacial  Surgeons  and
        before the patient becomes unconscious. A  ers. If there is any question prior to starting   in 1992 a Fellow  in The International
        thorough history is required to determine  treatment, a glucometer should be used to   Congress of  Oral Implantologists.  Dr.
        if your patient with DM may present with  check  the patient’s blood  glucose levels.   Dan Pompa has been a guest lecturer at
        this sign of hypoglycemia. Your “situation-  Having  a  glucometer  in  the  dental  office   Columbia University College of Dental
        al awareness” should be heightened espe-  is also recommended to rule out the cause   Medicine and New York University Col-
        cially if your patient is a recently diagnosed  of any seizure as being hypoglycemic  in   lege of Dentistry and is now a guest fac-
        diabetic Type II, is not compliant with med-  origin. Most drug stores today offer their   ulty at NYU College of Dentistry and the
        ications or lifestyle changes, and has expe-  own brand glucometers that contain up to   University of Florida College of Dentist-
        rienced frequent hypoglycemic episodes.   10 free test strips to make the testing com-  ry.   Dr. Pompa has lectured extensively,
                                             plete. These are inexpensive and are usual-  including at the Academy of Osseointe-
        2) Diabetic Patients on Beta Blockers  ly under $30.                       gration, the International Interdisci-
        Diabetic patients on beta blockers will not                                plinary  Congress on Craniofacial  and
        necessarily show sweating and shaking as  What is the best time of the day to treat   Skull  Base  Surgery, and has presented
        the beta blockers will prevent this. These  diabetic patients?             at the annual Greater New York Dental
        patients may develop altered conscious-                                    Meeting numerous times throughout the
        ness or loss of consciousness without prior  Morning appointments  are  preferred  be-  years.  In November  2013,  Dr.  Pompa
        warning just like patients with hypoglyce-  cause this is the time of high glucose and   became a Seminar Series Speaker/Con-
        mia unawareness.                     low insulin activity, thus reducing the risk   sultant  for the  American  Dental  Asso-
                                             of hypoglycemia.  In addition,  this  is the   ciation. More information about him is
        3) New Diabetic Medications (Alpha Glu-  time we produce the most amount of corti-  available at
        cosidase Inhibitors) and how they affect  sol which results in a heightened ability to
        the treatment of diabetic patients show-  deal with stress.
        ing signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia
        Today  we  have a  new class  of diabetic is an excellent source of in-
                                             formation  for the  patient  and the  practi-
                                             tioner regarding hypoglycemia. 2 l Spring 2018 l GP 10
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