Page 11 - GP Spring 2018
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Dr. Binod K. Verma, DDS, MAGD, FICOI
2018 NYSAGD Meritorious Service Award Recipient
By Seung-Hee Rhee, DDS, MAGD
On January 21, 2018, Dr. Binod K. Verma, DDS, Dr. Verma was the president of NYS Academy of Gen-
MAGD, FICOI of Rego Park, Queens was awarded the eral Dentistry from 2005-2007 and has been a member
NYSAGD’s highest honor – the Meritorious Service of its board of trustees since 1996. He chaired many
Award – at the beautiful Carltun in Eisenhower Park at NYSAGD committees including the membership com-
East Meadows, NY. mittee, the strategic planning committee, the nominat-
ing committee, and the public information committee.
The NYSAGD Meritorious Service He has also served nationally as a
Award is given to those members of delegate representing NYSAGD at
NYSAGD who have served the orga- the AGD House of Delegates for
nization with distinction, selfless com- many years. He is a member of the
mitment to excellence, and dedication. ADA, AGD, International College
As of its inception in 1989, only 25 in- of Oral Implantology, American
dividuals have been honored with this College of Oral Implantology, and
award. the American Society of Osseo In-
tegration. He has been a member of
Dr. Verma earned his Bachelor of Den- the Queens County Dental Society
tal Surgery in 1970 at the Patna Dental Board of Trustees since 2010 and is
College and Hospital in India. After currently its vice president.
completing his general residency pro-
gram, he served as dental surgeon in Dr. Verma currently resides in
charge for four years at various hos- Manhasset Hills with his beautiful
pitals overseen by the Indian govern- wife, Meena, who has a Masters in
ment. Dr. Verma, however, wanted to Economics and has been instrumen-
further his education and excel in his tal in helping her husband build his
profession, so he resigned his position private practice. Dr. Verma has two
and immigrated to the U.S. where he children. His son, Dr. Rohit Verma,
later became a naturalized citizen. is an orthopedic spine surgeon at
Northwell Health Systems and is
He completed his post graduate curriculum at NYU married to Dr. Bijal Verma, who is a pediatric dentist
College of Dentistry in 1980 and soon after began prac- practicing in Rockland County. His daughter, Dr. Su-
ticing general dentistry with an emphasis on implants priya Verma, is a general dentist who practices with her
and cosmetic dentistry in Queens, NY. Dr. Verma is father in Queens and also maintains a private practice
a Master of the Academy of General Dentistry and a in Manhattan.
Fellow and Diplomate of the International College of
Oral Implantology. l Spring 2018 l GP 11