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patient loses. He/she is not as healthy or as   Follow this  proven  system.  Your case
        beautiful as they want or need to be. The   acceptance  rate  will increase.  This   From the Regional Director
        financial agreement is the “final close.”  method  of case presentation  is vibrant   continued from page 4
        Step  Six: Schedule the appointment.   communication  between  you, the  team,
        Financial arrangements always precede the   and  the  patient. All  parties  benefit  --  the
        scheduling of an appointment.        patient receives wanted and needed dental   their careers and our organization will
                                             treatment, and you and your team get the   reap the benefits in the years to come,
        SPECIAL NOTE: In our own practice,   opportunity to perform excellent dentistry.   even if they leave New York.
        our   treatment  coordinator  joins  You can double your practice from within.
        the doctor while  he is planning and                                       I am also pleased to report that the Sci-
        presenting the case. She is then able to             Cathy Jameson, PhD,    entific Session in Las Vegas was well
        give necessary back-up support for the               is the founder of     attended and we had a good showing
        doctor and can answer questions that                                       of Masters  and  Fellows from  NY.   I
        the patient may ask her but doesn’t feel             Jameson  Management,   look forward to seeing all of you in
        comfortable  asking the doctor. She is               Inc., an international   New Orleans in June.  In the interim,
        clear about the financial responsibilities           dental consulting firm.   perhaps I might see you at one of our
        and is prepared to discuss appropriate               With a background in   continuing education courses.
        financial options with the patient prior to          education, communi-
        the scheduling of the first appointment.             cation,  psychology,  Our House of Delegates  was in Chi-
                                              and management, she worked alongside   cago  this  fall.    This  is  the  first  year
        Careful planning by all team members   her husband, John H. Jameson, DDS, as   that it was separated from the Scien-
        prior to the consultation moves us    his office manager, helping the practice   tific Session.  It has worked out fairly
        toward greater case acceptance.       develop systems for success.         well.  Separation was not the end of
                                                                                   the world as some predicted.  I am a
        Step Seven: Follow-up. Follow-up with all                                  little disappointed that more leadership
        patients who receive treatment to make sure   Cathy has been named one of the   did not go to Las Vegas and socializing
        they are okay and that they are pleased. In   Top 25 Women in Dentistry and has   was somewhat limited due to the size
        addition, follow up on all patients who do   received a Lifetime Achievement Award   of the venue.  I am also disappointed
        not proceed. Answer any questions. Stay in   from  the  American  Association  of   at the limited amount of work that was
        touch. Keep them in your hygiene program   Dental  Office  Managers  and  from  the   presented at the recent HOD in terms
        to  have  an  opportunity  to  reevaluate,   Excellence  in Dentistry Organization.   of number of resolutions.  However, I
        reeducate, and remotivate them to proceed.   Cathy was invited  by  The American   am hopeful that these events will con-
        Not all patients say “yes” to treatment on   Dental  Association’s  Council  on
        their  first  exposure  to  recommendations.   Dental Practice  to participate  in the   tinue to develop and will work out well
        But, don’t give up on them. Repetition is   development  of the  ADA’s Guidelines   for the organization and its members.
        the key to learning. So, next time they are   for Practice Success™ (GPS™) module
        in the practice, use photography to instill                                Change  can  be  really  hard  for some
        the  value,  need,  benefit,  and  urgency  of   on Managing Finances.     people.  Personally, I embrace change.
        the recommended treatment.  Sit with the                                   Change is the spice of life.  I under-
        patient  to  discuss  financial  options.  Find   Cathy considers herself a lifelong   stand that  some changes  can  be bad,
        a way to make it possible for them to go   learner and encourages those around   but how do you know if you don’t try
        ahead. Don’t give up on them.         her to be in a constant state of study,   them?
                                              growth and action. She is the author of
        In Summary                            seven books, including her latest title;   “The world as we have created it is a
        Focus. Do not become complacent with the   Creating a Healthy Work Environment   process  of our  thinking.  It  cannot  be
        status quo. Know that you can go beyond   and has had over 1500 articles published   changed without changing our think-
        where you are at the present time. No more   worldwide.  For more information on   ing.”
        time needs to be spent in your practice to   Jameson’s services, visit their website at   ― Albert Einstein
        double  the  net  profit.  What  you  need  to
        do is to focus on the patients right there in
        your patient base at this moment and help
        them to see the value of moving ahead
        with the treatment you are recommending.
        Increase your “retention” level by 5% and
        watch your bottom line profits increase by
        100%. Help one person per day go ahead
        with treatment that might not otherwise do
        so by being better at how you and everyone
        on your team is preparing, performing,
        presenting, and following up.

 l Spring 2018 l GP 16
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