Page 19 - GP Spring 2018
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for treatment. This was followed up with  eas have serologic evidence of having had  References
        phone calls to the patient’s family. The pa-  the disease. Histoplasmosis is found more   1. Hernandez SL, Lopez de Blanc SA, Sambuel-

        tient’s daughter stated that a systemic reg-  prevalently in third world countries and in   li RH, Roland H, Cornelli C, Lattanzi V, Car-
        imen of the antifungal drug Amphotericin  patients with suppressed immunity, such as   nelli MA. Oral histoplasmosis associated HIV
                                                                                  infection:  a comparative  study. J Oral Pathol
        B had a satisfactory outcome in treatment  from AIDS. In fact, based on a comparative   Med. 2004 (33): 445-50.
        of the lesion. The patient has since returned  study of HIV+ and HIV- patients, it can be   2. Patil K, Mahima VG, Prathiba RM. Oral His-
        to his home country of Haiti and is lost to  inferred that if histoplasmosis is diagnosed   toplasmosis.  J Indian Society Periodontol. 2009
        further follow-up.                   in a young patient, then a search for HIV is   13(3): 157-59.
                                             justified. 1                         3. Kauffman, Carol MD. Histoplasmosis. Clin
        Discussion                                                                Chest Med 2009 (30): 217-225.
        The initial  clinical  diagnosis was a den-  Treatment  of the disease is dependent on   4. Rahman MT, Bakar NHA, Philip R, Shamsu-
                                                                                  din AR. Oral Histoplasmosis presenting as oral
        ture-associated  traumatic  ulcer  or lesion  the health status of the individual.  Healthy   ulcer in a non-HIV patient. Southeast Asian J
        such  as  a  traumatized  epulis  fissuratum.  individuals  with  acute  pulmonary  histo-  Trop Med Public Health. 2004 35 (2): 388-390.
        Epulis  fissuratum  is  a  reactive  inflamma-  plasmosis  may  experience  flu  like  symp-
        tory  fibrous  hyperplasia  caused  by  the  toms. Most individuals  recover  sponta-
        chronic irritation of the flange area of the  neously within three weeks after exposure.
        denture. There is usually an isolated area  Antifungal treatment  may not always be
        with two folds of hyperplastic tissue on ei-  initiated  in healthy individuals  unless the   Dr. David Levenson is
        ther side of a linear ulcer. The tissue is usu-  disease persists longer or disseminates, as   a graduate of New York
        ally pink and fibrous.  In the present case,  in the case presented. The standard treat-  University  College  of
        there was an ulcerated area with hyperplas-  ment  is  Amphotericin  B or the systemic   Dentistry and also has
        tic folds of tissue. However, the ulceration  azoles (itraconazole or ketoconazole). Am-  a Master of Science  De-
        appeared more widespread, extending from  photericin B is the drug of choice in severe   gree in Histology  from
        the central alveolar ridge posteriorly to the  cases and immunosuppressed patients. 2,4  NYUCD.  He is a full-time
        mucobuccal fold. The lesion also appeared                                  Clinical Assistant Professor at NYUCD,
        to be more leukoplakic.  Consequently,  Oral infection  is rare  and usually  pres-  teaching in the Dept. of Oral and Maxil-
        traumatic ulcer and epulis fissuratum were  ents as a secondary lesion of disseminated   lofacial, Pathology, Radiology, & Med-
        excluded and the revised differential diag-  disease.  About 30-60% of patients with   icine. Dr. Levenson also has a general
        nosis included SCC, other malignancy such  disseminated histoplasmosis have oral le-  dental practice in Queens, N.Y.  He can
        as lymphoma, or deep fungal infection. The  sions. It is rarely noted in immunocompe-  be reached at e-mail:
        ulcers formed by SCC are usually leuko-  tent patients. However, it can occur as an
        plakic, red, or mixed with keratotic  bor-  isolated lesion in the mouth and the route of   Dr. Sonal S. Shah is a
        ders. Ulcers caused by histoplasmosis may  occurrence may be from direct inoculation    full-time  clinical assis-
        be clinically similar or granulomatous with  of the fungus into the mucosa. The patient   tant  professor at  New
        raised borders. 2                    in this case report did not have any signs of      York University  Col-
                                             pulmonary or systemic histoplasmosis. He           lege  of Dentistry. She
        Considering the length of time the lesion  was not immunocompromised and it is not      attended  college and
        was present and its clinical appearance, bi-  known if he had traveled outside of New   dental school in Texas
        opsy of the lesion was the logical choice.  York City within recent months. Unfortu-  and then moved to New York to com-
        Fortunately, the lesion turned out to be a  nately, it is unclear how he contracted the   plete her oral and maxillofacial pathol-
        histoplasmosis fungal infection, easily  disease.                          ogy  residency.  She  is  a  board-certified
        treatable with antifungal medications, rath-                               oral pathologist. She is the director of
        er  than  the  more  dreaded  squamous  cell  Conclusions                  the NYU Oral Medicine Clinic and also
        carcinoma.                           1.  In conclusion, this case report teaches   has a private practice in Manhattan. Dr.
                                                 the general dentist the importance  of   Shah holds several leadership positions
        The  fungus Histoplasma  capsulatum  is   following the two-week rule in treat-  in national professional societies  such
        found throughout the world. It is endemic   ing patients with pathology. Any sore   as ADEA, American Academy  of  Oral
        in certain areas of the U.S., especially in   in  the  oral  cavity  that  does not  heal   Medicine and the American Academy of
        the  Mississippi and  Ohio River  valleys.   within  two weeks should be further   Oral Pathology.
        Bird  and bat  droppings in  soil  promote   evaluated.
        growth of the fungus. Human infection  2.  Information gathered from a thorough
        commonly occurs after inhalation of spores   medical,  social, and dental  history is
        generated from disturbance of the soil. His-  important  in  arriving  at  a  correct  di-
        toplasmosis mostly affects the lungs, but   agnosis. The fact that the patient indi-
        can occasionally disseminate  throughout   cated many months of denture adjust-
        the body and oral cavity. 1,3            ments, coupled with the fact that he
                                                 was a smoker, led the dental team to
        The severity of the disease is determined by   look beyond a simple denture sore.
        the number of conidia that are inhaled and  3.  Follow up of the patient is an import-
        the immune response of the host. In most   ant part of the treatment.  It aids in

        cases, primary infection is mild.  It is inter-  convincing the patient the importance
        esting to note that, although there are so few   of treatment and it shows a caring atti-
        cases, 30% of people living in endemic ar-  tude on the part of the dentist.
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