Page 21 - GP Spring 2018
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time he returns for his six month visits. He
        should always notify his dentists and hy-
        gienists in the future that he has a history
        of oral papilloma virus and to continue oral
        cancer  examinations,  and  to  let  us know                                                 Sponsored by
        immediately if he notices anything suspi-                                                    The Bronx County
        cious in his mouth.                                                                          Dental Society
                                                Sheraton Hotel Mahwah
        Discussion and Conclusion             1 International Blvd, Mahwah, NJ 07495
        The incidence  of oral cancer  continues
        to rise. It is important to do an oral can-
        cer screening examination every time we                            Save The Date!            MARCH
        see a patient. A busy general dentist, with
        hygiene  checks  easily  sees  20  patients  a                                               21-22,
        day, and it only takes about 20 seconds to    Learn. Grow. Prot.
        perform  an oral  cancer  screening.  If you                                                     2018
        see something that looks suspicious, take   Materials     Hygiene
        a closer look. Is it just an irritation fibro-  Restorative   Coding
                                                 Wednesday 03/21/2018
        ma caused by a sharp tooth, or a mucocele   Periodontics   Insurance
                                                 Dr. Yan Pogorelsky
        from biting the lip?  How long has it been    Endodontics  Finance         Ortho
                                                 Dr. Zachary Sonkin
        present? Does it bother them? How is the   Business       Practice         Implants   718.733.2031
                                                 Dr. Fred Joyal
        patient’s health? Do they smoke or drink    Marketing       Management     Practice Management
        heavily?  What  medications  is the  patient   Dr. Howard Glazer           Materials
                                                 Dr. Mike Malone
                                                                                   Cosmetic Dentistry
        taking?                                  Dr. Stanley Malamed               Emergency Medicine
                                                 Rick Williamson                   Body Practice
        Most oral  lesions are benign  in nature;     Wednesday 03/21/2018 : Evening
        however, some can be premalignant,  or   Dr. Fred Wetzel                   Risk Management
        even malignant when discovered. Because   Dr. Arthur Volker                Composites
                                                 Dr. James Uyanik
        of this, surgical biopsy followed by mi-  Dr. Zev Schulhof                 Pain Control
        croscopic  histopathologic  examination  is     Thursday 03/22/2018
        necessary to rule out potential  malignant   Dr. Chafie Safi                 Endodontics
        transformation.  If the  lesion  is  small  and   Dr. Timothy Bizga
        you feel comfortable doing the biopsy, do   Patti DiGangi                  CDT codes
                                                 Dr. Marshall Fagin
        it! If it looks vascular, or it’s large, or on   Dr. Christopher Norton    Ortho
        the outer lip or face, refer to the appropri-  Dr. Marc Geissberger        Materials - Restorations
        ate specialist.                          North Eastern Patient/Client Panel
                                                   Thursday 03/22/2018  : Evening
        References                               Dr. Gwen Cohen Brown              Infection Control
                                                                                   Emergency Care
                                                 C P R
        1.Lingen, Abt, Agrawal, et al. Evidence-Based   Danziger & Markhoff         Retirement Planning
        Clinical Practice Guideline For The Evaluation
        of Potentially Malignant Disorders In The Oral
        Cavity. JADA, October 2017, p712-727
        sues/2017/apr/offline/download.pdf       AND INFORMATION FOR EARLY
        4.  REGISTRATION.
        5.  718-733-2031(Phone)
                     Philip  A.  Gentry, DDS,
                     has been in private prac-
                     tice  in  Arlington, Virgin-
                     ia for 28 years. He is a
                     Fellow  of The  Academy
                     of General Dentistry, and
                     Clinical Assistant Profes-
         sor, Dean’s  Faculty, in The  Advanced
         Education in General Dentistry Depart-
         ment, at The University of Maryland
         School of Dentistry.

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