Page 9 - DOC-20220324-WA0012.-488-500
P. 9

11.1 Methods for First-Order Systems  473

                                    procedure XP System(n,(x i ), ( f i ))
                                    real array (x i ) 0:n ,( f i ) 0:n
                                    integer n
                                    f 0 ← 1
                                    f 1 ← x 1 − x 2 + x 0 (2 − x 0 (1 + x 0 ))
                                    f 2 ← x 1 + x 2 − x (4 − x 0 )
                                    end procedure XP System

                                    It is typical in ordinary differential equation solvers, such as those found in mathe-
                                matical software libraries, for the user to interface with them by writing a subprogram in
                                a nonautonomous format. In other words, the ordinary differential equation solver takes
                                as input both the independent variable and the dependent variable and returns values for
                                the right-hand side to the ordinary differential equation. Consequently, the nonautonomous
                                programming convention may seem more natural to those who are using these software
                                    It is a useful exercise to find a physical application in your field of study or profession
                                involving the solution of an ordinary differential equation. It is instructive to analyze and
                                solve the physical problem by determining the appropriate numerical method and translating
                                the problem into the format that is compatible with the available software.


                                (1) A system of ordinary differential equations
                                                x = f 1 (t, x 1 , x 2 ,..., x n )
                                              ⎪  1

                                              ⎪ x = f 2 (t, x 1 , x 2 ,..., x n )
                                              ⎪  2
                                              ⎪    .

                                              ⎪ x = f n (t, x 1 , x 2 ,..., x n )
                                              ⎪ n
                                                x 1 (a) = s 1 , x 2 (a) = s 2 ,..., x n (a) = s n , all given
                                can be written in vector notation as

                                                             X = F(t, X)

                                                             X(a) = S,  given
                                where we define the following n component vectors
                                                         X = [x 1 , x 2 ,..., x n ]  T
                                                         X = [x , x ,..., x ]
                                                    ⎨                      T
                                                         F = [ f 1 , f 2 ,..., f n ] T
                                                    ⎩                             T
                                                       X(a) = [x 1 (a), x 2 (a),..., x n (a)]
                                (2) The Taylor series method of order m is
                                                                     h 2         h m
                                                 X(t + h) = X + hX +   X + ··· +   X
                                                                     2           m!

                                where X = X(t), X = X (t), X = X (t), and so on.
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