Page 19 - House Style of Sketching_2023
P. 19

                                sketching styles

                                                                                               Fig 3.5 Sample Syntax Hilary Dempsey 2016

              I am a three dimmensional designer

                        3.4 Funtionality & Syntax visualising it through sketchwork is essential.    Sketching can be used to understand and communicate the functionality  and movement within an object.  The ‘syntax’ is an investigation of step  by step functionality of a product and provides instructive guidelines that           communicate this function.  The use of arrows within this style can      demonstrate movement.  Use large arrows when showing movement and  smal

                  Mentally visualise an object and rotate in in all directions.  When working
                Visualising objects in 3 dimensions is a skill all designers must develop.
                     out the form of an object or communicating a design to a client,

           3.3 Understanding Objects in 3 Dimensions
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