Page 21 - House Style of Sketching_2023
P. 21
sketching styles
is to indicate human scale or to show human positioning in relation to
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Design in Carlow focuses on ‘humanising innovation’. When sketching it
There are many ways the human can be presented through sketching but
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Fig 3.9 Lee Gaynor Morphology Chart Honours Degree Project 2015
is important to have the user represented. Designing a handheld device
ergonomics or interaction. In this instance it is acceptable to represent
and never seeing it sketched in context is not acceptable. Take time to
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the sketcher must understand why the human is being added. When
sketching to explore and iterate, the human context must be drawn
offer the human context as it will scale and provide proportion.
3.7 Human Context - but I can’t draw hands!
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complex data needs to be reviewed, synthesised and applied. Visualising
Fig 3.8 Dr PJ White Lecture Notes 2015
3.6 Visualising of Complex Data During key stages of a design project vast amounts of information and yÒyʼn¡Ìʼnº®®ÒʼnÅÈÒy¡µ¡µʼnÒºʼnÈÌyÈ ʼnºÈʼnÌ¡µʼnÌÅ¡ĂyÒ¡ºµĜʼnʼnY ¡Ìʼn it can be an effective way of organising the information in order to Ò¡á®èʼnyÅÅ®èʼn¡ÒʼnÒºʼnyʼnõy®ʼnÌ¡µĜ Often the origins of this data analysis will begin in the design research «ºÖȵy®ʼn
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