Page 8 - Luke Lister
P. 8

Ross Lovegrove was born in Wales in 1958. He
                                                              received his Master’s in design from
                                                              London’s Royal College of Arts in 1983,
                                                              around the same time as Jasper Morrison.
                                                              From there he worked with many different
                                                              designers and companies such as Sony
                                                              (Walkman), Apple (IMac), Hartmut Esslinger,

                                                              Jean Nouvel and Phillipe Stark. In 1990 he
                                                              founded his own practice in London called
                                                              Studio X where he still currently produces
                                                              his work from today.

    ‘I have put a skin on water itself.’ – Ty Nant.                                              ‘Natures improves

                                                                                                 with every greater
                                                                                                 purpose that which
                                                                                                 once existed.’

                                     ‘What nature                                                          ‘I’m trying
                                     does is drill                                                         to counter
                                     holes in things.                                                      the temporary
                                     It liberates                                                          nature of
                                     form. It takes                                                        product
                                     away anything                                                         design with
                                     extraneous.                                                           the

                                     That’s what I                                                         permanence of
                                     do.’                                                                  art.’
                                     – Florensis.
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