Page 8 - Jan Krueger
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        IN GERMANY

        What are Governments doing to enable active aging?

           -  Promote self-determined living and activity

           -  Enabling social participation in old age and activating the engagement potential of
            all generations

           -  Support healthy aging                                                                                                                                                         Source: destatis - population in Germany

           -  Ensure quality and needs-based care and support
                                                                                                             Occupation Goals and Policies:

        Example Policies:                                                                                       -  Maintain and strengthen health, avoid or minimize risks at work, benefit from increasing workforce of people at

                                                                                                                 the age of 60 and above.
           -  Improve conditions for care and nursing in the home environment.
                                                                                                                -  Strengthen occupational safety and health for companies and employees
           -  Help owners and landlords reduce barriers in housing stock for the elderly and
            people with limited mobility.                                                                       -  Involvement of health insurance funds in training, advice and assistance for companies as well as the provision
                                                                                                                 of aids, guidelines and information.
           -  Supporting the development of age-appropriate assistance systems for older
            people in their daily lives.                                                                        -  Greater transparency of costs and services in medical rehabilitation

           -  Departmental research on special topics such as age-appropriate construction                      -  Increase options and flexibility with regard to working life and the transition to retirement.
            and housing, age-appropriate mobility, traffic safety and traffic infrastructures.
                                                                                                                -  Using the competencies and experience of older people for the economy and society
           -  Support local associations to provide mutual civic engagement services.

           -  Opening up federal volunteer services to people of all ages and making greater
            use of the potential and skills of older people as a valuable resource.
                                                                                                             Source: Demografieportal
                                                                                                             Demographic strategy of the German federal government
                                                                                                             and Further development of the German government‘s demographic strategy
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