Page 11 - HSoS_V3_30-5-23
P. 11
Product Design
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use all space to explore, iterate and overlap 3. Dog ears and folding or rolling of sheets 4. Torn Pages, Jagged Edges and Stains 5. Use of substandard equipment èºÖÈʼnÇÖ¡Å´µÒʼn¡ÌʼnÌÅ¡Ăĝʼn¡µáÌÒʼn¡µʼnyµʼnÒy¬ʼnyÈʼnºʼn¡Ò 6. Drawing consistently in one view populate your sketching with multiple views and perspectives detail gets lost in multiple lines, commit to single line drawing understand perspective and use it correctly cla
1.8 The Ultimate SIns 1. Drawing ‘pictures’ ʼn ĉĜʼnʼnʼnʼnʼnʼn<ºÒʼnĂ®®¡µʼnyʼnÌ Ò it is never acceptable ʼn 7. Feathering Lines 8. Inaccurate perspective 9. No notation 11. Drawing Borders
1.7 Sketching Commandments * 1. I will carry my sketchbook wherever I go going about daily life, when travelling, visiting events/exhibitions, going to bed night at 2. I will date and notate my sketching show sequence of collected items, ideation, sketch style 3. I will sketch to observe to understand, explore geometry, to record surface texture and detail 4. I will explore through sketching explore all avenues, ‘what if?’ 5. I w