Page 7 - Tania Chaves
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It's a wrist monitor Did allows you To get an accurate
reading when taking your blood, your arm and wrist must
be at heart level. Even then, blood pressure
measurements taken at the wrist are usually higher and
less accurate than those taken at your upper arm.
INSPIRATION Model: Blood pressure control heartbeat blood pressure monitor
BP8000 uses the sociometric method of blood pressure
Display: Transflective memory-in-pixel LCD measurement. This means the monitor detects your
Memory: blood's movement through your brachial artery and
Blood pressure measurement up to 100 times, Activity converts the movements into a digital reading.
measurement up to 7 days, Sleep measurement up to 7
times, Event up to 100 items
Transmission method: TREATABLE CONDITIONS
Bluetooth® low energy technology should aim for a blood pressure treatment goal of less
Dimensions: than 130/80 mm Hg if: You're a healthy adult age 65 or
Case diameter approximately 1.89” (48 mm), Case thickness older. You're a healthy adult younger than age 65 with
approximately 0.55” (14 mm), Band width approximately a 10% or higher risk of developing cardiovascular
1.18” (30 mm) disease in the next 10 years. You have chronic kidney
Power source: disease, diabetes or coronary artery disease
1 Lithium ion polymer rechargeable battery, AC adapter
Battery lifespan:
Will last for approximately 500 cycles, 8 times/day BENEFITS
measurements in normal temperatures of 77 °F (25 °C) when Monitoring your blood pressure at home can: Help
new battery fully charged with early diagnosis. Self-monitoring can help your
Weight: doctor diagnose high blood pressure earlier than if you
Approximately 4.1 oz (115 g) have only occasional blood pressure readings in a
Measureable wrist circumference: medical office.
Medium - 6.3” to 7.5” (160 to 190 mm), Large – 7.1” to 8.5”
(180 to 215 mm)