Page 4 - Mark O Neill
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Marc Newson is an Australian born designer,
known most notably for creating unique
household goods, furniture, and interior
spaces from unusual materials. Newson
worked for Quantas Airways, where he de-
signed luxury, first-class lounge areas for both
Melbourne and Sydney international airports.
Newson left Quantas to join long-term friend
John Ives at Apple Inc.. His most notable work
here was on the Apple watch. Newson now
works for design firm LoveFrom, which he
co-founded with Ives. Newson’s work was in-
cluded in the collections of a number of major
museums, among the most notable of which
“ What really inspired me was coming from a do -it-yourself cul -
t�re. It works really brilliantly for desig�ers because desig�ers were the Design Museum in London, the San
have to work e ver��here. It’s a t��ly global indust��. Ever��hing Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and the
I do is desig�ed for e ver�one e ver��here.” Museum of Modern Art, New York City.
– Marc Ne wson .