Page 16 - Luke Lister
P. 16
Before Covid19 15.5 Hours
Pack Lunch 6:45 Arrive When chance 8:00
7:00 Start Hand Over. appears Handover
Pepare Uniform 5:30 (3-4 times)
Clock in Begin working 8:15 leave 9:00
with patients.
Prep Wake Up Hospital Work Break Finishing up Home
Pack Lunch 5:00 6:00 Arrive Coffee. When chance 8:00 10:00
6:30 Start appears Handover
Pepare Uniform Garda Hand Over. ( once or twcie) Garda
Checkpoints Clock in 8:45 leave Checkpoints
Begin working Cant socialise
with patients
After Covid19 17 Hours
Due to how busy the
Masks have to be The hand over process hospital is there are
worn for 13 hours a between day shift nurses There is a sanitisation less breaks and the
Due to the Garda day and changed and night shift nurses process when you
checkpoints, the every hour. Masks takes longer as social arrive at the hospital social distancing
commute to work must be changed distancing has to be which must be rules prohibit the
takes longer. Immediately after practiced, allowing less repeated after every nurses from taking
breaks together
dealing with infected people to be in a room at break. meaning you cant
patients. one time. socialise for 17 hours.
Normaly the nurses Social distancing has Because masks have
would work 3 days a prohibited visitation in to be worn 24/7, the The lack of visitation
week and 4 nights the hospital which is patients struggle to makes the patients
every 3 weeks but tough on the patients recognise nurses and somber and this
these can increase now and now means the especially with deaf emotion rubs off on the
as some nurses will nurses play a role in patients, staff, lowering the over
have to cover for keeping the patients comunication is all happiness of the
others if a member of company. difficult. Hospital.
staff gets infected.