Page 8 - MDP Booklet_Emma Doyle
P. 8

User Persona

                                                                             Olivia, 23, Galway, Barista

                                                                            Olivia is a busy barista
                                                                            who works hard but she
                                                                            also wants to have time
                                                                            to do things that she
                                                                            likes to do. styling her
                                                                            hair in the morning is
                                                                            very time consuming

                                                                            trying to grapple with so
                                                                            many di erent products.
                                                                            Olivia would like a hair
                                                                            styling tool that has more
                                                                            than one purpose so she
                                                                            can spend less time doing
                                                                            her hair and more time
                                                                            doing things she loves
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