Page 10 - Damian Bogacki
P. 10

9       Benchmark Board
      Description  C7%  M40%
  In the contemporary world that is ruled by   Y87%  K0%
  a relentless speed, the natural beauty
  remains in the heart of the human being,   #F6DFA6
  consistently evoking feelings of awe and
  inspiration. The field of product design   C5%  M13%
  offers a unique chance for the concept of   Y42%  K0%
  natural elements which is the very
  essence to be captured to the creations   #B77317
  generating true harmony, authenticity and
  beauty. In this benchmark the effects of    C25%  M57%
  decorative nature motifs and neutral   Y100% K10%
  colors can be spotted in order to take
  inspiration to design an electric razor.   #267E34
  With the tracing of the reasons for this
  board, the structure, and the influence on   C84%  M25%
  design decisions, the attempt to shed   Y100% K13%
  light on the intricacy in the relationship
  between nature inspired designs and the   #C5D660
  development of consumer goods can be   C31%  M0%
               Y74%  K0%
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