Page 42 - Maeve Whelan
P. 42

Stakeholder Analysis

                                   Children                                         Parents                                          Schools                                    Department

                                                                                                                                                                               of Education

          COVID-19             has         had         a            Parents are terrified of                                 Teachers are now under                                    According            to       research,

          significant              impact            on             the  spread  of  COVID and                               pressure because their                                    teachers have not been

          children. They will no longer                             are  constantly concerned                                whole  schedule  has  been                                educated                in          online

          catch  up  with  their  peers                             for          their           children's                  uprooted and is in tatters.                               pedagogies. Ed-Tech firms

          and  socialize  as  they  used                            welfare. Parents now have                                There normal classes have                                 have stepped in, positioning

          to,       and         the        younger                  no access to the school as                               been moved to online and                                  themselves as a negotiated

          generations would miss out                                a result of the recent                                   have  to  deal  with  parent                              settlement,              with         more

          on          developing                their                                                                        who          don't         understand                     implications for teachers'
          education and social skills.                                                                                       technology.                                               professions,  standing,  and

                                                                    Their children's education                                                                                         livelihoods.

          This greatly affects their                                is also on their minds and                               They  had to completely

          mental  health,  and  would                               many  are worried about                                  change            their         teaching                  Ed-Tech  options,  on the

          benefit  from  having  a                                  the sudden shift in the                                  styles while simultaneously                               other hand, are inapplicable

          product that could docu-                                  daily         norm          and        are               make           sure         all       their               to hard to reach students

          ment their feelings and                                   questioning if their kids                                students                have             the              or teachers in schools that

          thoughts while also helping                               are  receiving sufficient                                necessary apps for class.                                 serve          hard         to       reach

          with their education                                      education at the current.                                                                                          populations.
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