Page 36 - Ken O Brien
P. 36

Circuit of Culture:

                   Representation                                Production                                  Identity                                 Regulation                             Consumption

                   The iPod’s personality was                 Apple's original iPod was                 The iPod brand gave the                   The iPod was compliant                 The iPod was was commonly used
                   seen as unique, tech savvy and             one of the first products                 impression to customers a                 with all environmental and             when people would exercise, or
                   highly innovative. It represent-           made that was able to utilise             sense of identity which also              regulatory standards at the            do various recreational activities
                   ed positive experiences and                the method of Just-in-time                fulfilled an emotional need to            time of its release. The               but most commonly when people
                   brand meaning through value                manufacturing, this enabled               belong. It had a unique appeal            enclosure of the original iPod         were mobile and on the go.
                   placed on original and consis-             the Apple to ship millions of             to a remarkable range of ages             was made from polycarbonate            Sharing music and media were
                   tent technological innovations             iPods globally with virtually             and personalities.                        and  stainless steel, which are        common Practices associated with
                   over time.                                 no inventory surplus.                                                               highly recyclable materials.           the iPod and this became tightly
                                                                                                                                                                                         associated with the development
                                                                                                                                                                                         of interpersonal relationships.

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