Page 33 - Florina Jennesson
P. 33

Three topics

                                                                                                 were researched and prepared individu-
                                                                                                 ally, then the ideas were discussed and
                                                                                                 selected in the group. In this way, we were

                                                                                                 able to choose the best concept for each
                                                                                                 topic from many possibilities and work it
                                                                                                 out in more detail.  We decided on a golf
                                                                                                 ball bag, a metal biros and a memory box.

                                                                                                 The sketches were then elaborated into
                                                                                                 concepts and 3D models and presented
                                                                                                 to the client at the interim presentation.

                                                                                                 CarveOn chose one of our products to
                                                                                                 continue working on. The product chosen
                                                                                                 by CarveOn is a material that we
                                                                                                 developed in the Hero Pieces process

                                                                                                 and produced in cooperation with the
                                                                                                 university‘s bio-chemical laboratory.

                   Theme 3 - Hero Piece

                   memory Box with personalisable inlay

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