Page 5 - Fredo Eyong
P. 5



                                                                               From Performance Artist to Star Designer,Tom Dixon is arguably the only designer

                                                                               who is as taken with the warm shine of brass, bronze, and copper, and  these

                                                                               tones. Anyone who believes Tom Dixon's lighting and furniture designs are only

                                                                               suitable for lavish interiors and sparkling luxury worlds is mistaken. His products

                                                                               are timeless classics due to their simple, plain shapes, which may be assembled

                                                                               in a variety of ways. The Copper Lamp is a prime example of a timeless design and

                                                                               pièce de résistance.


                                                                               Holland Park, a co-educational                                                                          NE W F OUND PASSION

                                                                               secondary schoo.                                                                           While on tour, he started welding live on

                                                                               It was at the time a faily rough school                                                    stage as a performance art. Thing took

                                                                               famous for kids going wild and the                                                         a turn when he broke his arm in a
                  Tom Dix on                                                   wasn,t a adiqate amount of teaching                                                        motorbike accident, which privented him

                                      A KA                                     beeing delivered but had a fantastic                                                       from going on tour with his band.
                                                                                                                                                                          He seamlessly transitioned back in to
                                                                               art department, which is where he
                   ‘ ’Cr e ativ e Ruffian ’ ’
                                                                               spent the better part of his days.                                                         persuing Design,which was precipitated

                                                                               Tom, found his refuge in Ceramics,                                                         by an accident thus, ‘Accidental Designer’.

                                                                               this opened him to the transformational

                                                                               nature of Design.                                                                          He saw welding as a compelling Art, he

                                                                                                                                                                          pharses it as ‘ one of those techniques that

                                                                               Tom spent 6ix months at the Chelsea                                                        doesn’t require huge amount of skill but

                                                                               School of Art, which proved furtile,                                                       allows you to make things that are quite

                                                                               he left and persued a career in music.                                                     strong very fast’.

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