Page 7 - Fredo Eyong
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Shield: it symbolises their proud Wordmark: it thier most valuable
heritage, and it presented asset, and it should be given pride
profoundly with clarity and of place and should presented with
consistency. clarity and consistency.
Philips & Co was founded Brand promise: ‘’sense and simplicity’ Materials and Finishes:
in 1891 in Eindhoven, the is use repeatedly and can not be these are applied systematically
Netherlands, by Frederik substituted even when it is’nt used. to creat distinction for thier brand
Philips and his son, Gerard. People & Product photography : and differentiation of thier propositions.
Recognizing the opportunity natural, intimate photography Distinction is achieved by using materials
presented by the mass-market captures thier brand promise by and finishes that enhance the presentation
introduction of electricity, portraying people benefiting and raise thier appeal, they creat a
and inspired by Gerard’s from thier technology. perception of luxury across thier product
keen interest in scıence and Products are presented proudly, range, making themselfs stand out from
engineering, the pair soon showing thier distinctive the crowd through quality and consistency.
conceived a bold but timely form and fucttion. Differentiation is achieved by through
plan: cost-effective, reliable Color: Philips is colorful and thier commintment to quality and staying
electric incandescent light bulbs. thier brand is blue and white true to thier identity principles, while
Products come and go.. simultaneously matching the tone and type
Technologies change... But Philips of materials to thier proposition.
is still about one thing:Creating Typography: Philips typography is
meaningful innovation that inviting and highly legible and has
improves people’s health has enduring style. Gill Sans is used
and well-being. as the official font for Philips