Page 16 - FEB2020
P. 16

Creatures in the garden

     As most of us in Botswana know, December time comes with a deluge of Butterflies,
     masses of our very own Christmas snowflakes pour across the land, and every year
     I continue to marvel at the sight. The majority in my garden are Brown-veined white
     (T.L), Meadow white, various Colotis species (T.R), White-cloaked skipper, Zebra white,
     Yellow pansy, Spotted Joker (M.R), African migrant, African monarch (B.R), Garden
     acraea (M.L), African clouded yellow, Topaz blue and many more Charaxes, Hairtails,
     and Coppers along with the magnificent Citrus swallowtail (B.L).
                             It’s quite easy to attract
                             butterflies to your garden, and
                             they are beneficial insects,
                             pollinating our flowers, while
                             playing an essential part in the
                             food chain.
                             They attract insect eating birds;
                             and the caterpillars, while
                             doing very little damage to your
                             plants, attract a host of
                             predatious beneficial insects to
                             your garden too. Only the
                             caterpillar of the Citrus
                             swallowtail, does any real
                             damage to your plants, and I
                             don’t think my garden would be
                             quite the same without those
                             enormous butteflies fluttering
                             through it.

                             To encourage butterflies to your
                             garden, set aside an area of
                             indigenous grasses and flowers.
                             Provide butterfly feeders: with
                             nectar (sugar and water) or a
                             whole range of fruits, especially
                             old bananas. You can also create
                             muddy areas in the sun,  which
                             they will love. And avoid
                             pesticides.       Text & photos by S.C
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