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 PaThways To InTenTionaL TransforMaTion
tListen to Your Soul Speak
he meaningful life you’ve always imagined is within your grasp. Rather than simply living by default, seemingly a victim of circumstance, you can effectively change your own reality through imbuing deliberate, pre-meditated thought with emotion. Intentional transformation facilitator, Carol Secord is the mentor you need
guiding you on this profound evolutionary journey to ultimately become the conscious leader of your life. Her clients readily agree. “You facilitate by example, Carol, by bringing presence. You listen deeply; I think you hear the soul speak. You echo back this emotive language helping me have an embodied experience of my essence.”
Drawing on her intuitive gifts and rich experience, Carol breaks through
the extraneous to truly nurture your soul, making space for you to
experience and express elements of your inner essence. Whether you chose
to work one-on-one or collaborate in small groups, you will renew your perspective on each decade of your life, recognizing how the gifts of growth therein can be a catalyst for forgiveness and strengthening your self-compassion.
Carol’s group sessions have a cumulative value, providing opportunities to
apply newly-discovered learnings and articulate deep soul feelings that contribute to shifting your self-perception.
As limiting beliefs are identified and replaced, a new inner guidance system emerges. Energy blocks are released, and your life begins to flow steadily like a river with gentle ease. “Each week brings strong experiential learning where I have a ‘felt sense’ of energy shift, a stepping-stone to new ways of being.”
Carol uses a unique set of strategies, including the language of wholeness, color, and personality, to help you explore your soul’s longing, clarify your objectives, and create intentional transformation. As your life becomes a clearer expression of your soul’s longing, you evolve. Your interior life matches your exterior as your personality begins to serve
the expression of your soul. Another client shares, “I appreciate being able to benefit from hearing others express their feelings and thoughts. My tendency, as an academic, is to think in detail. I am developing a connection with parts of myself that have been hiding in a safe interior space within me for a long time.”
In a world of increasing fear, rapid change, and uncertainty, it is best to live from one’s core values by exploring what we love, what makes us feel grateful. As you become a conscious leader, you will experience a state of inner and outer coherence. Carol Secord shows you the way to discover and connect with that essential self. Be the creative force in your own life. Come alive! It’s time.
CAroL seCord
Christina Louise Photography

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