Page 11 - Fuse Magazine - Volume 41 2018
P. 11

f      E     a      T     u      R      E

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                  ExpoSuRE                          BlAck And whitE                            Split-tonE
         Out of the camera, the file was slightly   Use the HSL/Grayscale tab to convert   Go to the Split Toning tab to add a
         underexposed and a little dark, so we   the image to black and white. In this   subtle hue. Here you can target the
         boosted the exposure by about a stop   tab you have the option to target the    shadows with one color and the
              using the Exposure slider.         greyscale tones of specific colours.  highlights with another. Subtlety is vital.







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                     BlAckS                              contRASt                                ExpoRt
          For lovely rich blacks, move the Blacks   add contrast using the Contrast slider.   There’s no need to open your image in
          slider to the left. The histogram looks   Tweaking the tones is the best way to   Photoshop at this stage, so if you’re happy,
        ‘clipped’ as a consequence, but it’s not an   show off the sculptural form of the subject   save your image as a JPEG for sharing, or
             issue with images such as this.          and the dramatic lighting.          as a TIFF for heavy-duty work.
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