Page 12 - Fuse Magazine - Volume 41 2018
P. 12
f E a T u R E
mAkE A nEgAtivE
Reveal the wonders of photography by recreating
the magical cyanotype printing process
eplicating the cyanotype effect The cyanotype printing process this is a fairly time-consuming job,
R in the digital darkroom is much is a contact-printing method, so the and not for those who lust after instant
ea first step is to create a negative, which gratification. It’s a slow process, but
sier than you might think – in
fact, some cameras even feature this we’ll then print on to contact-print also a magical one. So let’s start by
effect as a preset style. However, film using a modern-day inkjet printer. making our negative using Camera
nothing quite beats the satisfaction of This can then be used to make a Raw, Photoshop, an inkjet printer and
making a genuine cyanotype print. genuine cyanotype print. Naturally, fotospeed’s Contact Print film.
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pREpARE youR photo invERt And Flip pRint A nEgAtivE
Process your raw file to create a good- Go to Image > Adjustments > Invert to The cyanotype process is a contact-
looking black-and-white image, as reverse the tones and effectively make printing process, meaning the negative
indicated in the previous section, and a negative. Next, go to Edit > Transform > needs to be in direct contact with the light-
open it in image-editing software such flip Horizontal. Don’t worry – the image sensitive paper. Print on to contact-print
as Photoshop. Resize your image to the will appear the right way around when film, available from Fotospeed and other
size you’d like your final print to be. you actually print it. good suppliers.