Page 3 - 2022 Founders' Day Program
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JD, CPA, of

                 r.  Glenda  Glover,  PhD,  JD, CPA, of  Nashville, Tennessee is  the
                                                                     , Tennes

                                                                                e is
                 International President and CEO of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,
                 Incorporated , the oldest Greek-letter organization established by letter organization established by
        African-American college women. Dr. Glover leads the prestigious 114-
        year-old organization  of  320,000  members and  1044 chapters located
        around the world.
        She is a  native  of  Memphis,  Tennessee.   Her  higher  educational
        development began  when  she enrolled at  Tennessee State University
        where she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics with
        where she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics with
        honors. She  earned  her Master  of  Business  Administration  degree in
                                                                                  e in
        Accounting at Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, Georgia and her Doctor of
        Accounting at Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, Georgia and her Doctor of
        Philosophy in  Economics and  Business degree  from George  Washington
        Philosophy in  Economics and  Business degree  from George  Washington
        University in Washington, D.C. Dr. Glover earned her Juris Doctor degree from Georgetown University
        University in Washington, D.C. Dr. Glover earned her Juris Doctor degree from Georgetown University
        Law Center in Washington, D.C. She is a certified public accountant, a licensed attorney, and one of a
        handful of African-American women in the United States to hold the PhD, CPA, JD combination.
        Professionally, Dr. Glover serves as President of Tennessee State University, her beloved alma mater,
        and is the institution’s eighth and first woman president. She has amassed over 25 years of success in the
        academic and business arenas. Since she assumed the leadership at TSU in 2013, the University has
        attained increases in academic program offerings, corporate and community partnerships, as well as
        alumni giving. While Dean of the College of Business at Jackson State University, Dr. Glover led the
        College  of  Business through the  accreditation process and spearheaded  the  implementation of  the
        nation’s first Ph.D. program in Business at an HBCU. From 1990 to 1994, Dr. Glover served as Chairman
        of the Department of Accounting and as an Assistant Professor at the Howard University School of

        Initiated into the Alpha Psi Chapter at Tennessee State University in November 1971, Dr. Glover is a
        Life  Member of  Alpha  Kappa Alpha Sorority. She has served  in  several  capacities, including
        International Vice-President, International Treasurer, and Treasurer of the Educational Advancement
        Foundation (EAF). She also served as President, Vice-President, and Treasurer of Beta Delta Omega
        Chapter  in  Jackson,  Mississippi,  and as President and Vice-President  of  Alpha Psi Chapter  as  an
        undergraduate student.

        Dr. Glover was the 2018 recipient of the HBCU President of the Year award from the Thurgood Marshall
        College Fund. She was also the recipient of the 2019 Female President of the Year Award from the
        HBCU Digest. Under her leadership, for the last four years, the sorority has raised, annually, in excess
        of $1 million on Alpha Kappa Alpha’s HBCU Impact Day. The sorority set a new record by raising more
        than $2.5 million during its HBCU Impact Day in 2021. President Joe Biden recently appointed Dr.
        Glover Vice  Chairman of the  President’s  Board  of  Advisors  on  Historically  Black  Colleges  and

        Dr. Glover is married to Charles Glover; and they have two adult children, Attorney Candace Glover and
        Dr. Charles Glover II.
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