Page 1 - Pink Pearl Press Vol 1 Issue 1
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Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter
Huntsville, AL
Volume 1, Issue 1 January/February 2019
Basileus Corner
Soror Cheryl R. Davis
Greetings Sorors,
The winter season is coming to a close and spring is around the corner! I am looking forward to
seeing what the spring season will bring! I hope some warmer and sunny days will be in the forecast.
Welcome, to our first issue of THE “Pink Pearl Press”! I am confident you will enjoy this first issue
of THE Pink Pearl Press. I would like to personally thank our Newsletter editor, Soror Lauren Blue for
her dedication and hard work in pulling it all together. I am also very appreciative of the publicity team,
Dominique Jefferson, Denise Chandler, Karen Turnage and Lorraine Lacy, Technology Chairman, for
their assistance in providing the articles. They have been the wind beneath my wings! My Heroes!!
For nearly 60 days, we have been on the move, Leading with Excellence and Serving with Grace. I
have been truly blessed and inspired by the many wonderful things we have been able to accomplished in
the area of membership, sisterly relations and programs. We are an “Audacious ” chapter of committed
and dedicated women. We continue to exemplify excellence in everything that we do. Our hard work is
best described by the quote, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”-
We started the year off at the “Pearl Palace”, as we celebrated 111 years of sisterhood and
reconnected with our “Missing Pearls.” Over 200 sorors showed up to Welcome our Missing Pearls home!
I can’t thank our Membership Chairman, Soror Dawn Stanley and Co-Chairman, Soror Mildred
Blackshear enough for their leadership, creativity and execution. The theme was centered around the
Harlem Renaissance Arts Movement. Our programs have taken off under the theme of “Exemplifying
Excellence through Sustainable Service”. Soror Glenda Glover, International President, has charged all
300,000 members, 1,005 chapters to strive for excellence in providing service to our communities over the
next 4 years. As you are reading this first issue, EGO has been on the move Exemplifying Excellence in
the Greater Huntsville Community.