Page 8 - Pink Pearl Press Vol 1 Issue 1
P. 8
Pink Pearl Press January/February 2019 Page 8
Target Programs
February 9, 2019; 9:30 AM-12:30 PM
Article and Photos by: Soror Marian Guidry
As a result of your support for Target 5: Global Impact, we were able
to ship 14 boxes on Saturday, for a total of 277 pair of shoes. We have
since filled another box of 14 pairs, bringing the total to 291. In
addition, as a result of your support, we were able to collect 105 pairs
of glasses and donations are still coming. This effort will do much for
preventing blindness and restoring eye-health in underdeveloped
countries. The partnership with Soles4Souls and the Lions club will
last for four years (at least), and Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc, has a goal of
donating 500,000 pairs of shoes during the four year period. Your
assistance with this collection will create entrepreneurial
opportunities for underdeveloped countries. Your kind donations and
support will provide basic essentials for families around the world and
will guarantee a better life for those in need. To assist with this goal,
EGO's goal is to ship 1,000 pairs per year, so we will continue to need
all hands on deck. Our current plans to reach this goal are to have two
annual sorority meeting shoe/eyeglasses drive (February and
November) and two community shoe drives (Spring and Fall). My EGO
Sisters Rock!! We help each other!!!