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Pink Pearl Press                                 June-August 2019                                     Page 3

                                    Getting to Know

                                        Team EGO

              “Getting to Know Team

                   EGO” will feature
           different sorors each issue.
             The goal of this section is

                to get to know all the
             sorors in the chapter and

             to learn something about
             them that you might not
                  have known before.                                   L-R: Sorors Fannie Thompson,

                                                                     Evangeline Spillman, J.E.T. Bulls

         EGO Charter Member

         Initiating Chapter:          Alpha Psi at Tennessee State College (May 18, 1946)

         Fun Facts:           Honored as a Golden Soror in July 1996 at the 57 Boule in
                              Baltimore, Maryland

                              Financially active with EGO since 1949 (never has been
                              financially inactive)

                              73-year member of sorority

                              Active member of the debutante steering committee as
                              chairperson of the publicity committee (she controls our image
                              through local news media and the Ivy Leaf)

                              7 Chapter Basileus (1962-1965)

                              Has also held the positions of anti-basileus, grammateus, Ivy
                              Leaf  reporter, parliamentarian, and media correspondent
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