Page 12 - Park Lane Press April 2022
P. 12

12 New IB Diploma Centre April 2022 Secondary New IB Diploma Centre
 Our new IB Diploma centre will open
in September 2022!
Park Lane International School’s new 4-storey building:
▨ a total surface area of 2 200m2;
▨ approximately 18 classrooms;
▨ a library situated on two floors with an
adjacent study room;
▨ a school ‘club’ (multipurpose room)
with terrace, café, incl. sound system for workshops, assemblies and performances;
▨ fourstate-of-the-artsciencelaboratories;
▨ a dedicated performing arts studio and
a computer science room.
▨ a staff room and offices.
▨ capacity for up to 160 people.
IB Library
 The reconstruction and refurbishment of the former convent school in Úvoz street, Malá Strana is progressing very well and we are fully on course to launch this splendid site as our new IB Diploma centre from September 2022
The process of transforming a former convent school into Park Lane’s IB Diploma centre involves a full-scale reconstruction of the building’s interior as well as significant changes to the garden area.
The IB Diploma centre is located in the immediate vicinity of Prague Castle in a very peaceful location with spectacular views of Petřín Hill and the monastery Strahovský klášter, Walking from Valdštejnská or Klárov to/from the new site takes around 15 minutes.

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